O-ring blues. Mangled etc.


Sep 15, 2006
Province of Antwerp / Belgium

I started collecting, and using, Maglites back in 1991 and I never ever had any problems with O-rings that went bad. From 2006 on, I started using other brands such as Fenix, Surefire, Peak and still, O-rings never posed any problems. I just kept them lubed.
Then came the Tiablo A9, several Lumapowers (D-Mini, Connexion, Mentor) and O-rings suddenly became a "nightmare". :( They got all mangled up by putting in place tailcaps and heads. Luckily, spare O-rings were included and they came in handy.

The trouble is that some of these lights are favorites of mine, as the A9, the Connexion (with teleforce kit and a 14500 cell it became my most used EDC) and the Mentor. Whenever I have to replace the cell in my Connexion or my Mentor I have to be super-careful in order not to destroy the O-rings.

Am I the only one with this problem? Somehow it seems that these lights have rather thin (more vulnerable) O-rings. Or it may be the design or the quality of the material.

I hope that these brands look into this matter as they happen to make some really interesting lights that really deserve some better rubber.

Kind regards and enjoy the holiday.

What lube do you use?

Might very well be you're use the wrong lube for the various o-rings - a lube that dissolves/softens the o-ring.

Personally I use Super Lube for them all and haven't (yet) had any problems. If I remember correct the SL is fine to use with both rubber and silicone o-rings. Many other type of lubricants dissolves one or the other type.
A look at the data sheet says the Molykote contains silicone oil.
While fine for rubber o-rings like MagLite but if I remember correct it'll dissolve silicone o-rings (jelly like o-ring typically for some China manufacturers and infamous with DX/KD lights).

Try some Super Lube grease instead. Even a small can will last almost forever. That's the beauty of Super Lube. You can use it for almost anything without worrying. It lubes very well too and keep items lubricated for longer than most other lubricants too.

So get some SL and see if DX got some o-rings in the right size if you want them cheap ;)
A look at the data sheet says the Molykote contains silicone oil.
While fine for rubber o-rings like MagLite but if I remember correct it'll dissolve silicone o-rings (jelly like o-ring typically for some China manufacturers and infamous with DX/KD lights).

Try some Super Lube grease instead. Even a small can will last almost forever. That's the beauty of Super Lube. You can use it for almost anything without worrying. It lubes very well too and keep items lubricated for longer than most other lubricants too.

So get some SL and see if DX got some o-rings in the right size if you want them cheap ;)
Thanks a lot for your insight! I'll try SL.
Enjoy Easter,


Yep on the lube effecting O-rings. There are silicone O-rings and there are cheap silicone O-rings. The latter will dissolve, shread, or just plain fail w/ little provecation. I have access to a large inventory of Buna [rubber], silicone and Viton O-rings. I've replaced ALL the rings in my lights and haven't had an issue in years. The colorful rings are good for decorative purposes but stick to top quality silicone or Buna rings w/ the proper lube and they'll last a long time.