Off the Shelf Light Recommendation?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 8, 2007
My wife and I decided to resume diving after a 13 year hiatus. We are going to Cozumel next week, then another trip in December, and another in the Spring of 2010. Tonight I looked at our 1996 vintage dive lights and felt as if before we go I need to augement what we have. I enjoy nice bright lights and even for day dives a light is a necessity for us. We probably don't have the time to commission a couple of custom dive lights for recreational twilight and night dives, so we are hoping to find some off the shelf lights that are bright and work both as night dive lights and lights to have with us all the time.

Any suggestions of where to look for something less than 300 or so?
To be honest nothing really comes to mind. But then I dont really follow the prices of dive lights to much.
But there are a few things to consider since you are travelling.
What batteries will it use? Can you travel with them?
Do you want a hand held, lantern or can light? How will this affect travelling? EG size and weight and battery.

Perhaps a Halcyon Scout 3w LED? ( takes 3 C's I think)
Or something like the Holis 3x3 ( 3 C's)
Or the cheaper end of the scale the Intova's are a good little light ( C123's cells).
Although I think one of my modded W200's would be better than any of those. But then I am biased. :naughty:
UK makes great inexpensive dive lights .. Underwater Knetics.. The C4 and others are small, powerfull, and light weight. Check your local dive store , they will have them there
Thanks for the replies ... Packhorse, your lights are on my list, but I have a trip coming up in 3 weeks and need something by then. Here are some of the other off the shelf handheld lights (not cannister style) that I found.

Oxycheq LED Backup $300/ ~200 / CR123
Oxycheq Raider 190 /3watt led / 3 AA
Princeton Tec Torrent $60 / 95 lumens / 8AA
Underwater Kenetics Sunlight SL6 $42/200 lumens / 6 "C" cells
Gulftex Photon Torpedo $140/~100/ 3 "C" cells
Hollis 3x3 LED $270/ 375 lumens 3 watt luxeon / unknown
Salvo Rat 165 / 3watt / 3 "C" cells
OMS Vega K2 $90 / 180 lumens / 2 cr123
Sartek 2200 $125 / 220 lumens / 3 AA
I have W200's ready to ship.

If you are only going to use it infrequently and when travelling I would forget about rechargeable or CR123 cells. AA's C's and D's will be easier to come by.

The 3 AA cell lights will more than likely start off quite bright but dim down and the 2nd or 3rd dive with them will be noticeably less output.

Forget about the incan's and go LED.

That leaves the Salvo Rat, Halycon Scout LED, Hollis 3x3 or the Photon Torpedo. None of which I have seen or used.
what lights do you currently have? may be easy enough to buy off the shelf upgrades for them.

For a recommendation, Underwater Kinetics sunlight c8 with medium and high modes. I have the older model with the emiter at the back of the reflector (standard flashlight design) while the new ones on the website is the 'recoil' design where emitor is on the lens facing backwards into the the light body, it then hits the reflector and goes back out the front of the light.
Anyway, I had the sunlight before joining cpf and thought it was great. The soft rubber bezel is a nice touch, light is very durable.

As Packhorse says, avoid halogen.
Hi, I would highly recommend the Oxycheq Raider 3 watt LED. It's marketed as a backup but I use it for a primary for "Aqaurium diving" They are small and great for travel. They come with 3 AA batteries for trips use AA lithium and was able to us them all week in Curacao back in April. Get the soft goodman that's available, works good. I've been making my own lights and can't replicate what these do for $70.00! John Allen has them in stock at I have no afiliation just get GREAT service from John and his "gang"!