Flashlight Enthusiast
I know I've been out of the loop for a bit. I haven't sent any packages since before the latest rate change. Anyway, today I go to drop off several packages and OMG all the rates are WAY different for these little padded envelopes I'm sending out. There not calculated like letters anymore, the cost is much higher per ounce! Everything cost 60% more to send than I estimated.
Heck, I was SOOO proud of myself when I figured out a way to put all these items into a Small Global Priority Flat Rate envelope, only to find out it does not exist anymore. I had to pay double what I though I was going to! :mecry:
It's not a jeer to the USPS. I'm just saying WOW the rate have shot up and really cut into the prices I set for some of the items I recently sold.
I wasn't aware they changed the price structure for 'packages' that much, so I thought I've just say something and give a warning in case there are others who have not sent anything recently.

It's not a jeer to the USPS. I'm just saying WOW the rate have shot up and really cut into the prices I set for some of the items I recently sold.