Opinions on SOG PowerAssist


Nov 16, 2008
Well im in the market for a new multitool. Ive lost my last 3 trying to carry them loose in my pocket so I think I may have to start using a belt pouch. I have been looking around a bit and I really like the SOG PowerAssist in Black Oxide. I rarely use a multitool for a knife since I always carry a knife in my pocket for cutting task's . Im just looking for some general input from people that have either carried or use this multitool. Thanks!
I prefer the regular powelock. Powerassist lose too many tools IMO, and since you don't use knife blade on MT you can customize powerlock without knife.

Otherwise they are solid if a bit crude.
I've been using a Powerlock for years at work and would never go back to the Leathermeh.

I saw the Black Oxide Powerassist and thought it would make a great EDC.
But I'd have to go for the model with V-Cutter.
Definitely not for work, I'm afraid I'd scratch the black off in no time.
The Stainless Frame is near indestructible, slightly weighty though.
SOG is best. I have had leathermans, gerbers, swiss multi tool and the SOG Powerlock has best crimping power and saw amongst other tools that mean something. Go with SOG and forget the others imo.
I just got one yesterday for $49.99 new but am returning it.
I like its new plierhead but overall its just too flimsy for me, too much play
even though the tools are supposedly locked. The thin side profile of the
gears and the way they stick out from the rest of the body imho is a turn off. I actuall got it to replace my edc Vic Swiss RS but after comparing the two.. nah.. cant beat my oldie that locks tight and smoothly precise.
SOG makes some excellent knives and multitools. I have a PowerLock which has lasted a very long time, rock-solid (SUPER strong pliers/cutters). I've since delegated my Leathermans (a Charge TTi in black oxide to pack carry).

I am a knife tool nut and carry SOG's Trident Tanto in all all black daily. Best folder I've come across (even in the $300 range) for my uses.

I wanted to get a PowerAsssist also, but after receiving it, it was very lacking. The same compound leverage system exists, but the entire assembly is very loose and bulky, also missing many tools from the PowerLock line. The Assist is a cool idea...but who is going to carry a heavy steel multitool for the quick blade access, especially one so inferior to any other folder (a weak point in all SOG multis unfortunately). Have you checked out the PowerLocks? See if you can try opening/closing and operating them side-by-side, you will understand why I, and the others above, mention the PowerLock. It's the best Multi I've found, and though I keep finding and buying new multi's, I will always carry the PowerLock.
I just got one yesterday for $49.99 new but am returning it.
I like its new plierhead but overall its just too flimsy for me, too much play
even though the tools are supposedly locked. The thin side profile of the
gears and the way they stick out from the rest of the body imho is a turn off. I actuall got it to replace my edc Vic Swiss RS but after comparing the two.. nah.. cant beat my oldie that locks tight and smoothly precise.

I think thats an older model, newer ones have gear covers.

I would suggest a Leatherman wave with pocket clip, you wont lose it and has a great tool selection and outside opening main tools unlike the sog.
Re: Opinions on SOG PowerAssis

I have a SOG powerassist in addition to a paladin tools (by SOG) multi tool. The paladin is more of a spare tool in case I need a telecom tool in a pinch but it is really limited to telecom use. I bought the SOG since the tool set made more sense for a multi tool.

I would have to agree with the other users that mentioned the bulk of this tool, not like the Leatherman or older SOG tools which are more handleable. But i would say that the build is quite sturdy.

Both tools besides the brand marking look the same, and have the same dimensions. The difference are the tools inside. You can go to the SOG webpage to find one that has the toolset you most likely would use.

I do like the nylon SOG holster since it is belt clip style and not belt loop only.
Re: Opinions on SOG PowerAssis

I had one for a while, and liked it, although I always felt that having to open it all the way to acces the non-knife tools was a hassle. I ended up removing the tool cover piece on mine, it added yet another finicky step to accessing the tools. The main blades seemed to develop some play after a while, and my attempts to open them up and fix them was unsuccessful (I think the parts just wear out). The balisong-like plier opening is great, makes them so easy to open one handed (and addictive to play with), and the compound leverage is pretty handy (also, the pliers can be used to spread open things, and work decently for that). The fact that they encourage swapping tools and offer a good selection online is nice too.
Re: Opinions on SOG PowerAssis

About a year ago i was in doubt about getting a powertool or powerassist...... an guess what i ended up buying?


A leatherman ST300 :D Quite some simple reasons; i am hard on my tool and the added complexities of the SOGs for me basically guarantee that it will break sooner than later and i don't need the gear feature anyway, im very very strong ;) And i cant grab bit stuff with it!

One other very important reason for me is the replaceable 154cm cutters in the pliers, i usually break/bend the cutters the third time i use any multitool so if i can easily replace and or sharpen em thats a big plus!

I love the thing!!
I have both a Leatherman and a SOG..
If you're not too bothered about having a blade easily accessible, I'd go with the SOG Powerlock.
I just bought the SOG Powerlock in black oxide. It's my first multi tool I've had in years and it should be arriving tomorrow. Here's why I chose it:

1: I don't care about the knife in a multi tool. I carry a pocket knife that I can access very quickly. No reason to reach for the multi tool's blade when you always have a purpose built blade at hand. A pocket knife's blade will always trump a multi tool's blade. Or at least it should, otherwise it's not a good knife.

2: The pliers are probably the best of any multi tool out there, from what I've read. I'll be using the pliers a lot, so they have to be top notch.

3: I got the model with the v-cutter. I'm constantly cutting zip ties and I've read that it deals with them very well. I don't think any other multi tool would be as good for cutting things like zip ties. The scissors in most of the multi tools aren't adequate for cutting zip ties.

The thing that I cannot get past with any other multi tool is that the pliers in the SOG seem to blow them away. I've used cheap multi tools in the past and to get any real pressure on them you have to work at it. I'm pretty much buying a multi tool for the pliers (otherwise I'd just get a swiss army knife) and SOG seems to have the best pliers. I'm a sucker for smart engineering. I think It's really cool how they've managed to get twice the leverage out of the pliers. The other tools out there don't really have the charm that the SOG does. They just seem like tools to be used and forgotten about.
Mine is on my belt at this moment. EDC and used daily for everything from opening homecanned foods to building shelves or working on an engine. The covers and such are def a PITA until you get used to them then, as with me, you simply do not notice. They come with what I believe is a clip-point blade and I would prefer something with a bit more spear tip but overall I like it. Carried a Gerber for years until the metal flaps that keep the pliers working broke then I found out Gerber went to China and the quality went to hell. I also had a Leatherman Wave but the flap velcro closure never worked and it came out when I was crawling a lakeshore in Louisiana trying to photo a gater and since I was travelling I did not notice [[it was on my photo vest]] so it is gone. But I like my SOG MT and my SOG fighting knife.
I was looking at the SOG powerassist too and went into a store to see what it was like. I've heard about other people finding problems with too much up and down play on the assisted blades, but didn't come across that problem myself. However, I did find using the tool very comfortable. The locks and nubs for the blades feel very harsh and trying to open the pliers with just one hand usually resulted in hitting myself with the other handle of the pliers.

In terms of material and build quality, the tools themselves seem to be on par with leatherman quality, but the casing itself seems not as good.
I love my EOD Powerlock. I got it for a steal on Ebay just $29. Yes, I don't need the EOD part. But, for that price I can live with it. I think the pliers alone make the tool worth it. Even if the other implements are possibly not as good as LM or Vic. But, I don't have ANY complaints. The pouch rides very comfortably on my right hip and seriously don't notice the extra couple ounces weight difference between my LM WAve.
I like the way compound leverage gives you more gripping power on the pliers on my SOGs, and also the way mere mortals can change the tool load to suit personal preferences. The locks on a couple of tools are a bit iffy ( I think I'll have to file out the slots a bit more on those particular tools).
I doubt any one of us only has one multi tool. SOG PowerAssist would be great part of a collection. I just got one and its real nice. Also have a LT Surge. The SOG is a more refined tool. The LT is perhaps tougher for heavy use, its a little rough around the edges. Kind of like a side by side comparison of a Craftsman wrench and a Snap on Tools Wrench. The Craftsman will get the job done and has a life time warranty, but when you use the Snap on--you cannot help but say 'now this tool is well designed." This is how I fee with the SOG. The LT may outlast it (may not), but a lot more thought and design went into the SOG.
I own a SOG powerlock, it's a good tool. the grippiest pliers in the business IMO. If SOG would get their act together and replace the knife blade with a decent one (they are a knife company after all) and the #1 phillips driver with a #2, they'd be onto a winner.