P2D-CE: "Lightning" before Lighting destracts


Oct 13, 2001
Of all my Fenix lights, including the P3D-CE, the P2D-CE is the only one that momentarily "maxi-flashes" on initial turn-on or when changing levels, unless it is set for max to begin with. I find this very distracting, especially at first turn-on and when switching from low to medium.

When I tried the P2D head on the L2D-CE's body it still "maxi-flashed". When I tried the L2D-CE head on the P2D's body there was no maxi-flash. Clearly, that characteristic is inherent in the P2D-CE's board.

Fenix engineers were able to avoid this distracting feature on other Fenix Cree lights, including those operating at the same voltage as the P2D-CE. Why couldn't they achieve this on the P2D-CE?

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The Fenix P2D-CE and the L2D-CE use the same head(hence the same board), so you might have gotten a head with a bad connection somewhere. Send it back for replacement.
My P2D-CE LE Q2 seems to do the same thing. I just assumed they all did this as it's my first P2D. It would be nice if it didn't do that but I personally am not sure it's that much of a problem for me that I'd send it back.
My P1D CE does the same thing. Though it doesn't make much difference, because you have to go through MAX to get to LOW anyway.

I have the P2D on order, so I'm wondering if it will do the same. I can see how that would be distracting on the lower levels.
Do you mean when it flashes really bright before changing modes? My P2D does the same thing. It's a newer one, a natural.
My special edition L1D/L2D head and P1D does this too. It is very annoying. I assumed that's just the way it works, although I wasn't expecting this unusual feature as nobody seems to have made a big deal about it. Should I return them or are they all this way? :sick:
I'm using Tenergy 3.0V RCR123A batteries in my P1D and it does it. It must be designed that way. Bummer! I was hoping the P2D wouldn't do it.
Learjet - where do you get your 3v RCR's from? It may be something to do with a slower startup due to internal protection that keeps the battery from spiking over 3 volts at startup (to the actual 3.6 to 4.2 volt Lithium chemistry standard voltage). Sounds like those batteries would be a good idea for anyone concerned with this problem. I plan on getting some just so I can use the rechargeables AND still have the low levels.
The low level on my Ebay no name brand 3.0V RCR123 isn't that low. I'd guess maybe equal to medium on primaries. At least fresh after a charge. Low levels and the flash may return as battery voltage drops. I'll drain the battery a bit and see if the flash returns.
here's a funny thing... i have an older p2d and just got a Q2 p2d se... the older p2d doesn't flash quickly when i change modes... the q2 does... also the q2 seems to have no noticable brightness difference between medium and low mode, yet the 'non q2' p2d does... i thought maybe it was a too high voltage battery that was causing it to loose modes, so i put the q2 head on the body with battery from the stock p2d and it still seems to be the same in medium and low... I will try to track down a primary 123 and check in a day or so... I usually run 3.0v tenergy batteries... even with the flash between modes, these are very very nice lights...
Just received my P2CDE natural and it does flash in low mode with a primary Duracell.
My P2D Q2 also flashes with primary installed. It's a little wierd but not a returnable offense unless it proves fatal long-term.

Come to think of it, I don't even know if the fenix warrantee applies to these.
I've been hoping for unsealed heads from fenix for quite a while. I was told they would produce them at dealer request but without warrantee. These Q2's are unsealed so does warrantee apply? David would probably back them up regardless but I'd hate to think he was left hanging.

As I understand it, and I may be wrong, Pro Light Japan initiated the Q2 idea, independently purchasing a roll of Q2's with a special edition P3D in mind. Fenix wanted no part in it as they apparently worried about the premium retail price. Pro Light moved ahead anyway and sold out within hours. Not sure who did the mod, and Pro Light seems to be warranteeing on their own, replacing defectives from their own stock. Also, I wonder how david came up with his line-up of Q2 special editions (minus the P3D). Is fenix testing the waters here or was this a solo effort by david? Why no P3D Q2?

Re: loss of low mode, not sure but don't you lose "low" early on with the rcr installed. That might account for the lack of distinction between low and medium modes described earlier.
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the P2D-CE is the only one that momentarily "maxi-flashes" on initial turn-on or when changing levels, unless it is set for max to begin with. I find this very distracting...

My L1D CE does it. I tried to get used to it, but now that I've got a P3D CE that behaves properly I've come to loath turning on the AA light unless it's tightened down to turbo mode. Hate it. Hate hate hate.

I have seen around 5 new Fenix Cree lights and my P2D was the first to do this. I emailed Fenix-store and they told me it was normal and it was how the circuit works. I told them that several of my other digital models don't behave like this, so I really have no idea what is going on.
My new P2D Q2 does it as well but it flashes a little faster so it doesn't bother me quite as much.
I haven't noticed my P3D flashing between modes, but I have found that pushing the side of the head with my thumb will activate the turbo mode. When I let go, it goes back to the lowest setting. Took me a bit to figure it out, but now I find it useful to be able to do a quick "hi beam" flash to have a look at something farther away without changing my grip as I stroll about. An accidental but useful feature.
My P2D-CE does the same thing. Seems like poor software to me...
I picked up a non-rechargable 123 cell to test my P2D Q2 last night instead of using the 3v tenergy rechargables, and i still cannot differentiate between low and medium at all... to my eyes they look exactly the same. With my non-Q2 P2D i see a difference between low and medium whether i use a rechargable 3v cell or non-rechargable cell... my non-Q2 P2D also doesn't flash quickly when changing modes...

is everyone else who is seeing the 'flashes' when changing modes able to see a difference between low and high? or are the issues probably unrelated?