

Oct 8, 2001
Melbourne, Australia
Dang this P61 is bright!!!!
Not only can I feel the brightness of it when I shine it in my face (what a stupid thing to do.. but hey) I can also feel the heat!!

Has anyone tried to *refit* the P61 bulb onto an e2 bulb's base?

Well, I've been thinking of machining the E2's head to accept a P61 (also machined to fit), I'll do it soon and see what happens.

Oughta be a real tight beam, me thinks.

Kind of hard to sacrifice an E2 for this, maybe I can buy just a head somewhere?
Anybody have one they aren't using or wish me to do this mode for them?

My modified Stainless Garrities with the P61 that are set up as 2 X 123 torches are a much smaller OD than the E2 with a slightly larger head. Not SF build quality to be sure,
but a pretty potent little torch that comes very close to the E2's size.
Yes, I understood that but that seems to be a delicate operation. If I bore out the reflector on the E2, all thats left is a threaded hollow tube with a lens.

So instead of modifying an E2 bezel, I'll
just make a new one for a modified P61.
Then I can switch back and forth between them when I choose.

Let us know if you try switching the bulbs only and how it went.