P7 recommendations


Newly Enlightened
May 6, 2009
Hi everyone,

I'm considering one of the Malkoff P7 dropins for a 2D mag (using 6x AA eneloops) - how does it compare with the terralux TLE-300? Are there any other dropins or complete lights that are cheaper than the Malkoff dropin that I should consider? (500+ lumens, no larger than 2D mag size)

Love the look of the Legion II but will hold off on that one for now

The Malkoff with adapter and eneloops will work decently well. The teralux will put out slightly less light, I'd personally go with the Malkoff.

Does it have to be P7 or is MC-E okay too?
Another P7 light to consider, if you are fine with 18650s instead of AAs... an Eagletac M2.
Thanks for the quick reply!

P7, MC-E or a multi-emitter is ok, but preference is more for flood over throw

The EagleTac M2 looks excellent, particularly like the mode switch, seems similar to that on the Legion II.
I would get the Malkoff P7 drop-in and use 2 D lio-ons from KD.

The Leggion II does allow you to use 3 18650's with a flat lumen curve. Very tought choice. Keep in Mind that the Malkoff P7 drop-in still needs a Hosts, optional UCL lens and metal smooth or MOP reflector also available at KD.

Good luck,
Thanks for the quick reply!

P7, MC-E or a multi-emitter is ok, but preference is more for flood over throw

The EagleTac M2 looks excellent, particularly like the mode switch, seems similar to that on the Legion II.

It seems different.
The M2 is more like Fenix TA30.
You need two hands to adjust the level and turn on/off the light.
While Legion II only needs one finger.
BTW, UI is not all.
We should look forward to the output result.
Right now, Legion II has the most reliable and powerful in its class.