P7 Regarding the Streamlight Supertac


Mar 7, 2007
I saw a Supertac on sale today at Academy Sports.The reflector is wide and deep. It seem that that would be the type for a P7. I'd be willing to put up the supertac if someone would be willing to try.( I think I'm goin to ask Milky)
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I'm gonna bump this. I might be picking one of these up soon so.......just hoping someone with some skill might be interested in tuning one up.
You will get a wider beam.

How wide is the reflector on the Supertac?

There has been a few P7 mods with the far throwing LED lights. If the Supertac has a similar sized reflector, the beam pattern after the mod should be similar.
would a P7 be better with a recoil type of reflector setup with the LED pointing backwards at a certain focal point? hmmmm. how the heck would you heat sink that though.... oh well.