You can remove the ano with lye.. Or I used yellow can oven cleaner. Then the paint would most likely adhere better. This was blue, I sprayed it with cleaner, then sanded it down, painted it black then sanded that down again. (I know I'm crazy)
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How do you keep it from oxidizing now?
There are lots of bare aluminum lights. Aluminum doesn't really oxidize or "rust" like a high carbon steel does so there's no reason you can't use the bare alu light without anodizing. I have been using a bare alu Okluma for years and minus the dings and scratches it looks the same as when I got it.
Beyond that you can put whatever you want over the anodizing but it will likely scratch and flake off and look terrible. I would try some colorful lanyards or similar for something eyecatching.
If you don't use it much the bare alluminum will dull over time. A haze will form making it appear somewhat tarnished. But a rub down with a soft cloth can get it looking all sporty again. Now if it gets used a lot it'll stay clean looking.
I am assuming that you don't own a motorcycle with aluminum engine and transmission covers. Even if they are polished, they eventually oxidize and get dull.