Parts Bins and Storage


Newly Enlightened
Jan 16, 2010
I was wondering if all of you would mind posting your parts holding setups. Like what you keep you bolts and small parts in. I have a lot of different kinds of bearings, bolts, and other similar parts but I'm not sure of an efficient way to store them. So if you don't mind showing off your setup that would be cool.

To the Left....Ackro Mils. Expensive around $300 for what you see.

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Like what you keep you bolts and small parts in.
Mine are all kept half a mile away at the Big Bolt Store, which has every size from 2-56 to 2". I don't believe that my shop has more than a handful of any bolt or fastener, as every one is purchased as needed.

McMaster keeps the ones I can't find locally:nana:
It's not worth the frustration to have 100000 fasteners and not have the right size. There's nothing worse than that, stores are good.
Home Depot Husky Professional model. All Ball bearing slides.......made by Stanley I believe. It's a 42" center plus 2 18" sides if I remember correctly. It was the cheapest solution at the time. I got it all on clearance for around $800. Just the 2 side boxed where that much at regular prices :)

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I find wall-mounted cabinets with drawers to be the best way to organize parts. That picture is from a few years ago. I've since relabeled and reorganized all those drawers. Putting all those cabinets up was a royal pain as the walls are poured concrete.