parts of the body question


Sep 19, 2003
I'm tutoring some people English and was going over parts of the body today. I had them describe a person and we got to the word bald. Someone asked me what's the term for partial baldness, like only the top is bald. I was stump. So bald is for no hair, is there a term for no hair only on the top? AND...ankle is the part joining the foot and the leg. Is there a specific term for the bone that's sticking out at ankle area? I did a search on the net but found nothing. Perhaps I didn't do it right. :eek: Thanks in advance for any replies. :D
The act of becoming bald (I.E. partial hair loss) is known as 'balding' or 'going bald'

Bald becomes a very strange set of characters if you focus on it long enough.

Most people don't know the proper names or terms for the body.
Simply put; ankle bone.

It's called the Talus. I believe.
Turns out, the Talus is a bone between the Tibia and Fibia which 'holds' the foot to the ankle.

The bones that 'protrude' from your ankle are simply the ends of the Tibia and Fibia (shin bones) respectively.
I sent some of this to my son teaching English in Thailand, he can be a stickler.
This is a portion of our 'chat'

Dru: "I'm tutoring some people English ..." !!! Teacher, teach thyself
"I was stump"

Herb: I assume that should be "in English"?
and stumped :)
I noticed

Dru: WHen I teach "bald", I say that "bald" when describing a person, can refer to fully bald (Jesse Ventura) or partially bald (.... [a half-bald friend])
And that we often say "balding" as an adjective to soften the description or to imply not fully bald: My father is a balding man
But I teach conversational English primarily, not "100% correct" English

Herb: Thinning hair, more than balding, I think [refering to myself]

Dru: Well....but it's a process :)

Herb: My forehead has receded some but mostly lost its thickness
Hair not forehead

Dru: I would say your forehead has increased!

Herb: Still thickheaded :)
OK my hairline has receded
maybe my hair needs to be reseeded :)
what's the term for partial baldness, like only the top is bald.

Sorry to dig this thread out of the depths, but I've been racking my feeble brain trying to think of the term because I thought there really was one.

All I can come up with is... "Friar patch"

Like Friar Tuck of the Robin Hood stories and other paintings of typical friars who for whatever reason are invariably gifted with the gleaming bald top on their head.

I'm not sure if I'm remembering it right; I'm not sure if it's really used; I'm not sure it's safe and not derogatory. I could imagine some people might take it humorously, others very much not. YMMV!
malleolus (mah LEE o LUS). The medial malleolus is the inner ankle bone and the lateral malleolus is the outer ankle bone. Together they are the malleoli (mah LEE o LYE).

as for the baldies, you can call us "flashlight heads" (well, you'll get my attention anyway ;) )