Newly Enlightened
Did paypal raise thier rates for CC purchases. I see a lot of sellers in the BST ask now for +4% when used to be 3%.
thezman said:I won't buy from someone that has +3% after the asking price.
Why should I have to pay their fees? :thinking:
LEDcandle said:This has been discussed a million times over... sometimes, it's just a matter of 'wording'. Instead of $30 + 4% fees, the seller can just sell it for $32 flat, and now the cash paypal guy has to pay $2 extra too, unless the seller puts 'cash paypal discount of $2' (which is essentially just playing with words)
As you can see, a lot of us CPFers are already letting go lights at good prices on the B/S/T, and they just want to minmize other extra fees and let the buyer bear it. Most people don't really mind; I've even had numerous buyers give me the extra 4% when I don't ask for it.
It's when I see an overpriced light being sold and the guy is still asking for 4% fees, then I get slightly irkedBut then again, vote with your wallet.
LEDcandle said:As you can see, a lot of us CPFers are already letting go lights at good prices on the B/S/T, and they just want to minmize other extra fees and let the buyer bear it. Most people don't really mind; I've even had numerous buyers give me the extra 4% when I don't ask for it.
thezman said:Yeah, I guess if it's a hell of a deal even with the +3% added on, I'd probably spring for it.
But more so for me it's a matter of principle. You can have 2 Paypal accounts, one Personel and one Premier. The Personal account draws from your account balance and incurs no fees for cash deals. This is the kind of account I have, and I'll only accept cash payments for this reason. If you want to have a Premier account and let Paypal get 3% of your sale, that's your decision, just don't expect me to pony up the 3%.
CM said:This topic has been covered ad-nauseum. It's all a shell game. For instance, a seller may decide to tack on an extra 3% to his price to cover the expense.
shiftd said:I have two separate paypal account just for this purpose.
In any case, if you dont like the pricing set, just dont buy. No need to make life harder for either you (the buyer) or the seller by filing a dispute to PP.
After all, this is a community spirited board.
So what if you file a dispute with PP? Does anyone ever do this? what would you get out of it?
Following your example, if there are two sellers selling the same thing with different representation
1. the widget is $1 if paid cash PP, $1.03 if paid with PP CC
2. The widget is $1.03, but you get 3 cents discount if you pay using cash PP
Upon looking at the two choices, one can see that either statements are saying the same thing. Both encourages the use of cash PP. While statement 1 gives initial lower value, the second gives a "discount" imagery, so I believe either statement has an equal effect.