Petzl Myo XP mod Luxeon III to Seoul P4 a lot of photos!!!!!!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 2, 2007
Lleida - Spain
Hi to all. :wave:

Well I first bought by error a seoul T-bin, but at the end I decide upgrading another time, but this time with a seoul U-bin. You could see beamshot of both versions.

Begin unscrew the four torx of the light with a torx key of T6 how this


Now to take out the back cap and we see this


Now to take out the heatsink with careful, this go hook with a littles taps how can you see on the before photo, first begin with the bottom caps, once out, see this


already could see the luxeon III original, now we have to take out the circuit, this go to pressure, stretch without fear and we get this


Another view


The seoul p4 insert perfectly into the luxeon III optic


View of original luxeon III and seoul p4


Another view of both leds


View of circuit with the led and the front cover with optic


Dissolder the luxeon III now can see the wires without the led


Now solder the seoul p4 to wires, warning!!!!!! look, the red wire go to + of led and black wire (brown) go to - of led!!!!!!!!!


Now put it the seoul p4 into the hole of the optic and place the wires how was on the first photo, for can put the back cover correctly.

Already mounted, work so, brigh with 3 "click" (saver power) the light are to aprox 1 meter from the wall,

with T-bin


One clik with U-bin


With 2 clicks (middle power)



With U-bin


With 1 clicks (maximum power)





And the end, with the ultra power mode, this function only works during 20 seconds





And here the headlamp in my helmet



Detail of holder


I hope that you understand my explanations

Greetings - Saludos

Great mod !

I did a similar mod a while ago too.
The color rendering is whiter compared to the old Lux with less color shifts
and the center spot is not square anymore.

Throw is also massive, since the optic has almost no spill (where a reflector has).

BTW, did you compare runtime ?
Great mod !

I did a similar mod a while ago too.
The color rendering is whiter compared to the old Lux with less color shifts
and the center spot is not square anymore.

Throw is also massive, since the optic has almost no spill (where a reflector has).

BTW, did you compare runtime ?

Thanks!!!!!! ;)

I too don't have could compare the runtime, the mod I do it today, but I think will are similar runtime.

Greetings - Saludos

Ok, so the Myo is a DD light, so the circuit still only allows so much juice to the emitter right? I guess since the circuitry did not change the amount of power going to the emitter is still the same. Runtime would be exactly the same with the Seoul compared to the Luxeon, right?


i just found this forum and owns a MYO XP.... the mod that was done looks promising. :thumbsup:

where can i get these SSC P4? what is the difference btw U BIN and T BIN?

i just found this forum and owns a MYO XP.... the mod that was done looks promising. :thumbsup:

where can i get these SSC P4? what is the difference btw U BIN and T BIN?


Hi, Sorry, I don't had seen your question untill now...

The difference between T-bin and U-bin version are that the U-bin version give more light with the same power. You can see the images to compare both versions.

Greetings - Saludos

i've managed to upgrade my MYO XP to Seoul P4....

Good news is:-
much brighter than before...

Bad news:-
after i switch on the LED on high (not Blast mode), the battery indicator light will blink after 30 sec, i've tried on a few completely new ENERGIZER alkaline, still same... :mecry:

And i notice the heat sink is pretty hot... i've actually mod it using a PC heat sink which is chunkier and with fins

1) Wat can i do to prolong the battery life?
2) wat input voltage can the MYO XP circuitry accept?
3) now is 3x AA, can i mod it to accept 4x AA?
Hi yycho2 - The blinking battery light is normal. My MYO XP has always blinked
The color changes to red when the batteries gets low but still blinks.
Nothing to worry about.
Great work! I was just wondering, what type of circuit is on the Petzl lamp?

Finally did this mod so thanks for the excellent pictures - I would not have done it otherwise did not want to wreck my light.
Does the soeul get any hotter than the old lux? I put some more thermal compound on just in case but as I use think for hiking I don't want it to go poof.
I'm leaving it in all night as a test anyway.
Great photos Msxtr!
I will do this to mine also.
Does anyone think the heatsink needs to be mod'd to dump more heat outside?
Something like the PT Apex does? Could be difficult. Maybe someone has
a simple, elegant idea!
I enlarged the slot on the bottom to let more air flow up over the heatsink
inside but would like more metal exposed.
I don't know how long it has been available, but there seems to be new version of MYO XP, found info about it from Petzl Homepage, here:

-150 lumens (Boost mode), 85 lumens (Maximum level)
-New color : dark grey, black headband with grey graphics
-New LED : 3 times brighter

Anybody know more about that "New LED"? Is it Seoul P4?

edit: Here is good preview of the new version by Szemhazai:
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Great upgrade:)
Just one question: do you know (or anyone else), where could I get a different optic with more spill? Or is it a Petzl specific optic and you can not change it?

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