I tried taking the switch apart on my mag charger in order to put a ceramic slug in but could not get it off. My mag charger is about 9 years old and it has a white switch stem instead of a black one so maybe the black switch is the new design that can be taken off. Can someone give me a step by step process please.
I have a 30 and a 2 year old MC around right now, they have not changed designs.
To remove the switch from the cage it is housed in, it is necessary to depress the switch while working it out.
Cant remember for sure, dont have one in front of me, (
I am thinking that if you take the two cams, "F", off the slug with an allen wrench that is moves out the front without taking the switch out of the cage, "C" . To take the whole assembly out of the head it comes out the back end with the head off and the switch must be depressed. Then you have better access to the cams.
I think I have a pictuire of it, am looking... if I find will edit this post...
Here is a series on replacing with a cermic slug, it shows what you are looking for
with the head off, depress the switch and pop out the back, remove the cams the slug comes out the front. Depress the switch and now you can take it out the cage, last photo.