Picture needed

Maybe try licensing one from thinkstock or istockphoto or commissioning a photographer to take one, and doing it properly rather than just borrowing somebody elses work
Or, if you have the equipment and experience to take your own pictures, and if you have access to photo editing software, you can take images of yourself shining the light in different positions for each picture, then you can use Photoshop to put them all together :thumbsup:.
to Original Poster --

Perhaps this request should be in the Want to Buy forum.

Have a look in the Group Meets thread, find a pic you like and ask the poster if he minds. There is some nice ones in the UK Meet threads.
Im looking for a picture of a group of people at night all shining their flashlights, anyone know of one? I need it for my website.

Sounds like how the Inova website home page used to look OR the opening scene from ET :D

EDIT: Here's what I'm referring to :candle:

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Try the Trade Shows & Flashaholic Get Togethers subforum. Plenty of pictures of CPF members out in the middle of nowhere with their lights.

During the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver Olympics everyone was issued 2 lights. Plenty of pictures and video of a stadium full of people waving the lights around. The Olympic organization is claiming copyright to all official pictures and videos though.