What happened, my pictures disappeared?

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I noticed yesterday that my OP Photo and my photo in post #11 disappeared. I re posted the photo in OP and left post #11 as is.

I wonder why they disappeared? I use Post image.org. I also use Post image .org on Three other forums and have Never had that problem.

Any Ideas?


Here is the thread:


Post image. Org is gone. Click edit, and in the link where it says ".org" change it to ".cc" and it will return.

FYI, the dot org police took away their dot org status so they are a dot cc now.

I noticed yesterday that my OP Photo and my photo in post #11 disappeared. I re posted the photo in OP and left post #11 as is.

I wonder why they disappeared? I use Post image.org. I also use Post image .org on Three other forums and have Never had that problem.

Any Ideas?


Here is the thread:


This issue aside...

I think this is a good opportunity to point out how some of your pictures essentially "out" you for who you really are. Hey Capo! :wave: ... You have fooled no one :ironic: And your continued posts claiming to be "new" to CPF (or some other nonsense) attempt to play us all for fools... which we are not.

Perhaps I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning... (or it could be that my phone alarm on my new phone went off at 7AM -and I had not set it! So I have no idea why it went off! :scowl:) .... but I think I have had enough now. You were allowed to "carry on" when you re-registered with this new account to see if perhaps you had learned anything at all from being banned previously. We recognized fairly quickly who you were and that you had not but, as is my want, decided to give you the rope we knew you'd take. I think I'm done now... and frankly.... bored.

So by all means... enjoy being an "Observer" of CPF now... as you have been falsely claiming under this new persona. But your ability to post as been revoked. Any further attempts to re-register with yet another persona will result in a complete banning of all accounts.

Have a lovely day! (OH! and nice touch re-naming your dog Capo the same as Hogo's dog... Geronimo! LMAO! REALLY?!?!? Not very creative! :crackup:)
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