Pirates of Bruxelles!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 12, 2006
Silicon Road 1, Sweden
It's official now that the Pirate Party will be represented in the European Parliament with at least one mandate. Prelimininary results indicate that our hard work paid off! Over 7% of the votes in the Swedish election for the national EU parliament representatives, maybe more. It's kind of historical, a party fighting for personal integrity, the right to privacy, the right to free speech and the right to free knowledge get the vote of the people in this day and age. Fantastic!


Wikipedia on PP:

PP's severly lacking English page:

For those who command Swedish:
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Interesting. I will have to check into this. A lot of what they say are key problems I do see in our society.
However, I will have to check the seriousness of the approach and I am worried by the "pirate" name, makes the project sound dubious.
That's quite good news.
The european parliament did helped already against the French Hadopi law, which was intended to cut your internet access after 2 warnings when a private company reports your IP to the new authority (the HADOPI) if you're caught downloading copyrighted material, or your neighbour who's hijacking your wi-fi, or when your IP is added as a (fake) client.


And when I see what our president has in store for our internet, among others: he wants the govt to be able to make a secret blacklist of websites that will be blocked by our ISPs (for our "security"), I feel like having someone who thrives for free speech, privacy etc is something useful.

Tackling pedophiles has become a good reason to "protect" people from the "wild internet" like them french conservative politicians like to call it.
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