Police Officer Light poll

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Mags and recharge mags simple rugged works when you NEED it
a little light is better than none.
Mags and recharge mags simple rugged works when you NEED it
a little light is better than none.

Well, that's casting a pretty large net. Most lights today fall under that description and they cost less, are smaller, brighter and run longer than a mag charger.
Thanks for the link. Its cool to see what non cpf'rs who need lights on a daily basis are buying. Im glad Streamlight is still going strong, and I look forward to seeing new 200+ lumen lights from them. I expected the Surefires...but the ammount of Fenix's being carried suprised me. Cool to read.
Thanks for the link. Its cool to see what non cpf'rs who need lights on a daily basis are buying. Im glad Streamlight is still going strong, and I look forward to seeing new 200+ lumen lights from them. I expected the Surefires...but the ammount of Fenix's being carried suprised me. Cool to read.

Our local "Cop shops" are starting to carry Fenix and have a very good selection of them. So the TK10's 11's and 40's are starting to pop up around my department.

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