polishing titanium


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
how to polish titanium,i have seen so many polished light ,but how do they do it,i have a crawford credit card knife. it has been gharged i want it shinny.how do i do that. thanks john
You may have to start with some very fine grade wet and dry sand paper first and work your way up the grades if the card has a rough finish on it. Then possibly a cream cut and polish before the final buff up. I know Kenster would have some good tips for you as he has done some fine work.
I used Autosol metal polish on mine. ( Halfords, £3.99 ).

A polishing wheel on a minidrill and then by hand with a cloth. Came up sparkling.
check out modding section of www.bit-tech.net good info on polishing I believe if searched there are also some polish topics on here. You would benefit from a buffer so you can just apply polish to the buffing wheel then just go at it holding the light, knife, w/e
just googled "crawford...."

Nifty little knife. I wonder if it would make it through an airport check point. Forget I asked. Just not worth it.
Flitz for me also. Works great.

I use it by hand or with a Dremel.
Does a nice job also on gold, silver, and stainless steel
for me.
If flitz is made for jewelry it may not polish Ti very well, you will be looking for a polish designed for hard metals, like tool steels, you could try 2000 grit wet sanding it using a drill or lathe to spin it, I get good results also steel wool can be used to get some nice shine you'd be surprised.