Poll on ST Distribution

Flashlight Manufacturer (Non-Commercial)

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I'm not too worried about managing an email distribution list, heck you all are going to send me your email address which is 1/2 the work. all I have to do is add them to a distribution list. Of course after I check off your name on my handy dandy excel worksheet that I've been compiling for the Lioncub.

I'm a stats nut, so excel makes it all fun.

so when Charlie gives the go ahead I'll be adding a post to all LC threads and starting a new one with a link to my email address for this ST mail thingy.

Thanks again Dugg, I figure we give this thread a week or less to make sure enough see it, then the notifications will be predicated upon build timing after that. The ST components will actually get here around the same time as (or perhaps even earlier than) the Cub parts, so things will be touch 'n go for a while - I will NOT release an ST to someone who has NOT received their LionCub first, or perhaps it could occur simultaneously - this is because of the very real possibility that once they...naww, nevermind, it'll be crystal clear soon enough.

I'll just let you know "when", Dugg. And thanks again.
diggdug13 said:

I don'think it's any of there business. If they REALLLY REALLLLY REALLLLLY want to know they can buy one of the last 17 lioncubs.

It also adds to the mystic of how much did they accually pay for this thing.

therefore it should be released by email to each person. If you need help I'll collect the email address for you Charlie and I'll send out the "BULK MAIL" from the distribution list I'll make from the email addresses. That is if you want help


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If I read another post correctly there would only be about 183 "ST's" actually available.....That would mean even if I were to buy one of the 17 Lion cubs left I would not be guaranteed a shot at the "ST" anyway. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif

Public or Private disclosure probably won't matter to me... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I will not be going in order of purchase dates of the Cubs, nor would people buying TWO Cubs necessarily get TWO opportunities at ST's, at least not during the first go around. And there were more than a handful who did indeed buy two or more Cubs, so the chances of getting an ST are quite good. Very good in fact.../ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif
Ahh but he also said that the TW (tactical warehouse) wasn't able to buy any of the "ST"'s sooooo that would mean 200-15= 185 - 23 unsold (I forgot to count a couple of drops) = 170.

meaning of the 183 or so that will be made there are only 170 eligible people to buy them.

so there's a pretty good shot at getting one. heck it ALMOST looks like all of us can get one. Oh almost forgot there are approx 20 people that bought two LC so assuming that some of them don't buy two that would free up a couple more.

with that I'm pretty sure that you SHOULD beable to get one if you bought a LC.

dang charlie your fast, u posted as I was typing


MR Bulk said:

I will not be going in order of purchase dates of the Cubs, nor would people buying TWO Cubs necessarily get TWO opportunities at ST's, at least not during the first go around. And there were more than a handful who did indeed buy two or more Cubs, so the chances of getting an ST are quite good. Very good in fact.../ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Mr Bulk, you are truly an "Evil Mastermind"...for every reason I try to come up with not to buy a Lion cub..you come up with another 2..3 why I should. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif

Now I need to scrape up enough scratch to buy both, and at the same time fly beneath my wifes fiscal radar!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mpr.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/au.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif

And now with this clarification...that much faster /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/banghead.gif....can he do it...the pressure mounts... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
fly beneath my wifes fiscal radar!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I love all the cloak and dagger!

Never was buying a new shiny so much fun. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I wonder what other products this type of stealth marketing could be applied to? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

Keep it up. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

Sort of like the emperors new clothes. But with an actual product at the end of it. (I hope) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleye11.gif


P.S. Keep everything private. It keeps the suspense going even longer and increases the mythical aspect of the S.T.

I once new a bloke that new a friend that new someone who told him his granny has spoke to someone who new what the S.T. was. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/oops.gif
I'm not an LC owner, but kind of feel strange about this thread. Secret deals should be talked about on Charlie's web site, not on CPF. While it's great marketing, whipping up demand for something rare, it doesn't add much to the general CPF community.

I agree with gadget-lover. I personally think that the sales tactics are getting very, very weird.. It's one thing to jack the price up big time to ease the strain of shipping these things. Of course common sense says go with somone who is willing to ship internationally because cpf is a global community. But no, why do that when someones good will can be leaned on for free in order to sell these internationally. Next comes the whole concept of the light itself which is basically a smaller lionheart and essentially makes the lionheart obsolete. Add to that this totally creepy and cheesy garbage about people buying on "capital F -Faith". What is this some kind of cult? Next comes the "secret thingy" which "cannot be disclosed" (yeah, right) but really serves to minimize lioncub dropouts because the "undisclosable secret thingy" is ONLY available to lioncub owners. Of course let's add to the Mr. Bulk phenomenon by creating a "secret society" and only letting people who know the secret handshake even know what the fantabulously stupendous and wonderfully cheap ST thing is.

Sorry, this is really getting underhanded, manipulative and elitist. Just my 2 cents. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Hey Xochi:

You make good points, but there's a fine line between sneaky and just plain fun. No doubt that serious marketing is afoot, but with all of Charlie's early mods and his VIP and his Lionheart, he's earned our trust by meeting and exceeding it so many times in the past. Charlie keeps his word, and that means something. McGizmo is in the same category of good guys.

Charlie's constant updates and dialog takes the edge off of long waits. Besides, he's taking a risk. He didn't sell all 200 lights, although he came close and may still do so.

I don't think the information about the ST should be a secret, I voted only for first notification. If this ST is really a companion to the LC, then LC buyers should have first rights of refusal.

Xochi, I agree that CPF should be open and not a breeding ground for secrets. So I modify my vote: I think LC buyers should get the first right to purchase the ST -- but in the end, let's all share and enjoy the full LC/ST saga.

When someone requests 300 dollars to be privy to a secret, that's just plain sneaky.
Charlie said it himself, he will be charging roughly cost of the st and therefore no mystery. I chose the don't keep it secret because it isn't going to happen anyway. All we Lion Cub buyers would be are the first to know via e:mail, that's it. Supply and demand always determines the ultimate value of stuff here anyway.
I think it is a joke to think that any of this will remain a secret for more than 10 minutes after the first person is told. It's my opinion that this thread exists soley as a means to try to sell the remaining LCs. It does seem a little weird, but it doesn't really bother me personally. In fact, it almost worked on me... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thinking.gif

Not sure that I have anything to add, although I'd like to know just what the ST is... the odds of owning one look to be slim at best.

I declined to vote.

I'll third/fourth/whatnot the suggestion that maybe this would be better handled via a more private venue.
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