Hey guys i recently put this light together due to the fact that a 6v H3 spotlight is just boring with 10 minutes run time and lackluster lumens output. Heres some details of the light..
55 watt ballast putting 45 watts to the bulb.
4300k bulb
14.8v 4000MAH lipo battery charged by the rewired stock barrel plug along with a balance connector.
run time is 55 minutes to 13.2 volts(safe runtime) If i pulled the lipo down to 3v a cell or 12 volts i could likely get another 10-15 minutes but chance killing the life cycle of the batt. According to the charger im using 3500 mah out of the batt when i charge it. .961 hours * 3800ma(avg amp draw) = 3480 mah. seems pretty accurate!
Mini volt meter so i dont run the lipo below 13 volts, or 3.2 volts per cell.
Host is a Vector, but i have declared its nickname shall be GazorBeam-45.
This has a large reflector. One of the primary reasons i modded it to HID. now initailly i had this ballast dialed up to over 75watts input, or 60 bulb watts. All i can say is that was insanely bright... But due to the fact im not running a dl-50 bulb i decided to bring the ballast back down to 45 bulb watts for reliability as this is going to be my go to light in night time boating at the lake.
What i like about this light is the fact that its a very powerful hid in a smallish pistol grip host, not a huge thor type host
. personal preference.
Now i guess i need to show some pictures?
The imax b6 charger.. cheap and effective. works very well. pre volt meter install
volt meter installed. reads exactly what my multimeter does..
Couple of beam shots, 225 yards to tree.
Stanley with shimmed 4300k bulb. exact same bulb as in the gazorbeam-45.
Amazing what only more 10 watts(over the 35 watt stanley) will do with an hid. Aside from the larger reflector...
even with the tighter hot spot surrounding areas around the corona are still brighter. Im happy with the beam.
let me know what you think
55 watt ballast putting 45 watts to the bulb.
4300k bulb
14.8v 4000MAH lipo battery charged by the rewired stock barrel plug along with a balance connector.
run time is 55 minutes to 13.2 volts(safe runtime) If i pulled the lipo down to 3v a cell or 12 volts i could likely get another 10-15 minutes but chance killing the life cycle of the batt. According to the charger im using 3500 mah out of the batt when i charge it. .961 hours * 3800ma(avg amp draw) = 3480 mah. seems pretty accurate!
Mini volt meter so i dont run the lipo below 13 volts, or 3.2 volts per cell.
Host is a Vector, but i have declared its nickname shall be GazorBeam-45.
This has a large reflector. One of the primary reasons i modded it to HID. now initailly i had this ballast dialed up to over 75watts input, or 60 bulb watts. All i can say is that was insanely bright... But due to the fact im not running a dl-50 bulb i decided to bring the ballast back down to 45 bulb watts for reliability as this is going to be my go to light in night time boating at the lake.
What i like about this light is the fact that its a very powerful hid in a smallish pistol grip host, not a huge thor type host
Now i guess i need to show some pictures?

The imax b6 charger.. cheap and effective. works very well. pre volt meter install

volt meter installed. reads exactly what my multimeter does..

Couple of beam shots, 225 yards to tree.

Stanley with shimmed 4300k bulb. exact same bulb as in the gazorbeam-45.

Amazing what only more 10 watts(over the 35 watt stanley) will do with an hid. Aside from the larger reflector...

even with the tighter hot spot surrounding areas around the corona are still brighter. Im happy with the beam.
let me know what you think
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