Just wondering. I've been using Minimags 2AAA and 2AA since the beginning of the '90s with rechargeable cells.
Does anybody have a clue what their lumens output is with NiCD or NiMH cells.
I use a Minimag 2AAA with NiMH cells and a 2AA Minimag bulb regularly and I have no idea. 6 lumens? and with a regular 2AAA bulb, half of that?
Does anybody have the answer?
Just wondering. I've been using Minimags 2AAA and 2AA since the beginning of the '90s with rechargeable cells.
Does anybody have a clue what their lumens output is with NiCD or NiMH cells.
I use a Minimag 2AAA with NiMH cells and a 2AA Minimag bulb regularly and I have no idea. 6 lumens? and with a regular 2AAA bulb, half of that?
Does anybody have the answer?