Question about output of minimag


Sep 15, 2006
Province of Antwerp / Belgium

Just wondering. I've been using Minimags 2AAA and 2AA since the beginning of the '90s with rechargeable cells.
Does anybody have a clue what their lumens output is with NiCD or NiMH cells.
I use a Minimag 2AAA with NiMH cells and a 2AA Minimag bulb regularly and I have no idea. 6 lumens? and with a regular 2AAA bulb, half of that?

Does anybody have the answer? :confused:

With Nimh's my incan minimag 2aa has approx the same output as my fenix L2d q5 on low and thats rated at 12lum.
Hope this helps.:grin2:
I know they are definitely dimmer. I have tried it with nimh's but never nicads. I havent' used nicads since I had a panasonic pack for my rc car back in the late 80's. With fully charged Nimh's fresh off the charger, going from memory I would say around 10 lumens maybe a little more. I would imagine nicads would do about the same having similiar voltage as the nimh's.

A 2AA Minimag can do well over 20 lumens with fresh alkalines and a new bulb. It drops of course quickly and gradually settles to around 15 lumens and stays there for awhile. I remember I was actually quite surprised by the output of a couple of minimags I bought about a year ago, not having used them in a long time. They have improved the bulbs quite a bit over the years.

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