Question about rechargeables and E2D/LED conversion


Newly Enlightened
Mar 15, 2006
I just ordered a LED conversion lit for my Surefire E2D and was wondering if the rechargeables I recenlty purchased would be OK for use? It seems that I might have burnt out the standard bulb as result of putting the rechargeables in. From what I can gather, my batteries are 3volt. I just don't want to blow $60 for the sake of a few batteries.
What LED conversion did you order? Do the rechargeable batteries say "3.0 volt" on them? Lithium Ion rechargeables have two voltages to consider. The first is the "off the charger" voltage. There's a good chance that those 3v batteries were actually about 3.2-3.3v right off the charger and that's what blew the lamp (which is actually designed for less than 6v, but that's another story.). When the batteries are under load, the voltage drops down to a level near the advertised (nominal) voltage. Depending on which LED head you got, you may be able to run upwards of 9v through it with no problems.