Question about Target light


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
Today I just bought a 1 watt lux. 2aa at Target for 14.99. However I have never heard of Futailite, the maker of this light. The light is silver with a smooth rubber grip, side reverse clicky and a collimator lens. Anyone else have this light or any other from Futai?
I have never heard of that light, it must be a new addition.
I think I know the light you mean. Is the head silver in color and the slightly tapered body is coated with a black rubbery material? And there is a islet in the back for a lanyard?

If yes, then I bought this light because I was attracted to the side clicky and unusual shape. But I returned it because I was not impressed with the light output and beam pattern.
I bought one, I liked the collimating lens and nice white tint.

Plus, I like the AA format, and have alot of NiMH in that size.

I returned it because the threading was very rough and uneven, which could lead to early problems and failure. :thumbsdow

I would have kept it if it didn't have that issue.
That's the one Stan671. My threads look great as does the beam, I guess I really lucked out on that one.
FYI, my local Target has put this on clearance for $7.48. I purchased one yesterday, and was happy enough with it esp. given the price that I purchased another one today. It has a nice, solid feel in the hand. The beams on the two of mine seem fine--they have a nice, bright center spot and white color. The also have some visible ringing, so if you can't accept that, probably don't consider this model. The threads on mine are also fine, though there is a slight bit of roughness I notice when starting to screw on the endcap. But for $7.48 + tax, I am happy to accept these small niggles.
Just one more quick comment. It occurred to me today to take off the collimator/optic lens, and expose the LED in flood mode. Given that this thing has a flat bottom end that flares out, it also stands vertically and seems quite stable. So it also serves as an effective floody lantern. Wish my Target still had stock of these as I'd be happy to buy the rest up at $7.48!
I had mine and the rubber part started to stick on my hand so I unscrew the rubber part and soaked it in water overnight and use my finger to remove all the rubber. It didn't take that long. Now it is two tone but no more sticky finger.
I thought my Target had sold out of this, but I found one hiding on a shelf that had hidden from the markdown stickers. It rang up however at $3.74, so I decided to try it out. Within a couple hours, the black rubbery paint started to flake, so I rubbed the center black part down with a little acetone, and it melted right off in about 20 seconds, so now it's two-tone silver. My emitter has an obvious flaw in the epoxy (a bubble of sorts), and the beam has a lot of artifacts. However, these artifacts are not noticeable in actual use.

Despite these flaws, I like the light. It stands on it's bezel and makes an excellent bedside light for my wife. It looks tasteful while standing on it's bezel, unlike so many other tactical style lights. It reminds me of the Dirt Devil Kone in this respect. The clicky lends itself to bedside duty since I often find twisties annoying when I'm half asleep. I'm confident that the runtime is relatively poor, but that's a non-issue as I plan to feed it the cheap batteries that come with so many electronics these days, or some of my old 5 year old 1800mAh Duracells on a 2-month recharge rotation.

Oh, and the emitter is fully exposed if you remove the bezel, and would be very easy to replace with an old castoff emitter you may have lying around. Also, you can remove the culminating-type lens and turn the light into pure flood, with a perfect beam.

Final verdict, good for the price, and for a beginner mod.