Triple A
Newly Enlightened
Thank You For the BEST Flashlight site on the web. I have been enjoying reading posts here for quite some time, and appreciate the knowledge CPF members share each day. The site is so complete that this is the first time I have come up with a question that I couldn't simply research and find an answer to. THANK YOU GUYS!!
My question is this. Is there someone who can modify my streamlight strion to take a nice cree or ssc led? From what I have read on the site, the 3.75 volt lithium ion battery seems perfect for this application, and I consider this to be one of the best size flashlights I have ever used. I love led lights, and just don't enjoy the incandescent in this light any more. I'm sure Streamlight will soon make a new strion with the mysterious "C4" led, but I also believe that modders on CPF will most likely make a better product, if it is possible to do so with the existing strion.
Thank You!!
My question is this. Is there someone who can modify my streamlight strion to take a nice cree or ssc led? From what I have read on the site, the 3.75 volt lithium ion battery seems perfect for this application, and I consider this to be one of the best size flashlights I have ever used. I love led lights, and just don't enjoy the incandescent in this light any more. I'm sure Streamlight will soon make a new strion with the mysterious "C4" led, but I also believe that modders on CPF will most likely make a better product, if it is possible to do so with the existing strion.
Thank You!!