Questions for Lumapower IncenDio´s owners + First impressions!

Federal LG

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2007
Hi there...

I just received my new EDC (from mail) yesterday. It´s a Lumapower IncenDio. It´s my first Lumapower light ever!

Questions for IncenDio´s owners:

1 - I realize it has a 0.1 seconds flicker (really fast) when you keep pressed the button (slightly), withou click it to the end (to lock it on), after 2 seconds. It looks like that happens when the light memorize the mode. Is this happens with your IncenDio too ? I mean... Is it normal ? Can this flickers affect the LED life, somehow ?

2 - How is it waterproofness ? Can I throw it underwater ? Or just handle in the rain, for example ?

Impressions of the light (my first review!)


SIZE - It is REALLY REALLY smal and light. Smaller than I thought. It´s perfect for EDC due to it´s size and weight. You carry it inside my jean´s front pocket, and you don´t realize it´s there, due to it´s tiny size and weight. It looks like you have a AA battery with a tiny clip in your pocket.

BRIGHTNESS - It´s REALLY bright too. Cree Q5 spits a LOT of bright white light out! The tint is neutral white on mine, just like my Fenix L2D. It´s the brightest light I have, for now!

FOCUS - It´s not a thrower, and not a flooder. It has a well balanced focus, with a good hotspot and a large spill. But it´s focus has more spill than the Fenix L2D, and the hotspot is "hotter/brighter". Besides it´s a Cree Q5, in my light there is no dark rings or dark spots!

FINISHING - It has a perfect finish. Looks like durable too. It´s the same of my Fenix L2D finish, for comparison.

REFLECTOR - It´s tiny, and perfect! There is no sign of dirty or dust inside the reflector. It´s orange peel type. The LED is perfectly centered in my model. It has a GITD o-ring in front of reflector, so when you turn it off, that green ring is there, shining in the dark. I like that... it´s easier to find the light in dark areas.

GLASS WINDOW - It has a solid glass window. No scratches, perfectly constructed, and looks like very solid. It is also anti-scratch coated.

TAILSTAND - It can tailstand (candle mode). but only when it´s turned on.

KNURLING - It does not have that gripping knurling like my Surefire L1. It´s knurling is slightly better than Fenix light´s knurling. For me, it doesn´t matter at all. Not good, but not bad either.

REAR CLICKIE - The GITD rear clickie looks fragile. I mean, the rubber that covers the click button looks thin/fragile, but I can´t say how resistant is it. It feels thin, but maybe it can handle 10 thousand clicks. I can´t measure this right now. But I like the GITD. Again, it helps to find it in total darkness.

CLIP - I don´t like the clip itself. It´s metal feels soft. I mean, it does not have that clip power that we can see in other lights (in Surefire, for example). Looks like you can bend it, with a little force, but I don´t push it to it´s limit, however. But it´s position is bezel down (and I like that!).

HOLSTER - My holster is well constructed (looks like a Fenix L models holster) but it´s too tigh! I gotta use two hands to put the light inside it, and the clip does not help in the operation. Two hands used to put, and to take the light from holster! But a good point is that you can attach the holster in your belt without have to open the belt, cause it has a button to open the holster´s rear part (that goes attached in the belt). However, I don´t like it at all.

NO LANYARD HOLE - There is no lanyard hole. I know that has a clip, but I would prefer a hole to attach lanyard.


Overall, I liked a lot this light. I was searching a multi-mode EDC light, cause my Fenix P1 is not multi-mode, and my Surefire L1 is multi-mode, but too big to EDC carry in my jeans.
So I think this light fill all my EDC needs!

For it´s size, runtime, brightness, weight, and SPECIALLY it´s price, I recommend this new Lumapower IncenDio to you all! Great little pocket rocket!


Just to mention, I got it from Battery Junction.

Matt has done a nice job! Always polite with the clients! Thanks for all! :thumbsup:
1) Flicker is to let you know level is saved. It is normal. It will not affect the LED.

2) I think you would be fine submerging it in say a bathtub but it is not a dive light.
The flicker is normal (indicating it has memorized the mode) and I would not worry about it.

The memorize flicker is different than it is on a Jetbeam light. The Jetbeam will flicker to memorize the mode only once. The IncenDio will flicker each time the light is turned on and if you shut it off before the 2 seconds are up - it will be in the next mode the next time you turn it on. It took a while to get used to this.

I really like the light after using it for a week and it has become my most used light. I would buy another one if they came out in natural HAIII. It would be interesting to see an AA light based on the same theme of minimum size with same features. Most lights seem to be larger than they really need to be and Lumapower has hit a winner with this light. It may not be perfect for everyone but it does so many things so well.

And thanks to Matt at Battery Junction for great service!!
Federal, thanks for your review. :thumbsup:

My Incendio arrived just now, I will play with it when darkness comes.... :cool:
My name is MattK and I approve of this thread. :twothumbs


LOL, and I thought that "primarys" were non rechargeable cells for my flashlights! :D

Ok, so not to be totally off topic, I'll say that this looks like a good EDC contender. Does anybody have one of these and an NDI and a P2D for a comparison shootout?
I've got an NDI, P2D LE (Q2) and the Incendio. Unfortunately not a lot of time to do a review but this light is definitely worth it - just having a tactical forward clicky alone would have made it worth it but it's awesome also in quality, simplicity, features and it's tiny size.
LOL, and I thought that "primarys" were non rechargeable cells for my flashlights! :D

Heh - I feel bad for PA residents right now. :p


PS - for our friends outside of the US the phrase, 'my name is XXX and I approve of this message,' must appear on all political advertisements.
Hey owners... just another question:

What do you think about the click button ?

Now that I have a few days of use, I think the button is... kinda deep! I mean, you have to press deep to turn on.

It´s not "click". It´s "cliiiiiiiiiiiiiclk".
After looking at some reviews and info and such on this light, I am pretty interested in getting one of these. My main two lights that I use all the time right now are my Lumapower LM301 and my Fenix P3D, original model.

I want something brighter than the LM301 for my pocket, I carry the 301 now every day in my laptop bag and will continue to use it for my work, but am I correct in thinking the IncenDio will be about double the light? Close to the original P3D? Is there anything even close in size to the IncenDiothat I should also consider getting at this time, I could not think of any.

Also, it appears to run best on rechargeable batteries, can someone suggest a protected battery and charger off Matt's site (or anywhere really I guess) that will do both this type and 14500. Might as well get the batteries now, it appears to be an addiction that is not going to stop other that when my wallet does!

Have not used recharge ables at all yet, so I have to read some more on correct usage in my lights.

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Hey owners... just another question:

What do you think about the click button ?

Now that I have a few days of use, I think the button is... kinda deep! I mean, you have to press deep to turn on.

It´s not "click". It´s "cliiiiiiiiiiiiiclk".

Yes ........... this is true.

Potential buyers ........ be...aware.

Don't say we didn't tell you.

We're telling you...........cause nobody told us

Thx Federal LG for the honest I'm gonna see for myself,had to get 1(just ordered:paypal:)...btw,how long is ground shipping from the battery station usually??(I'm such a cheapo on shipping,I can wait,lol)...What are your thoughts(or anyones) on the Nitecore defender,Jet beam I.B.S.?:poke:
I have the Defender and the IncenDio. They are both very nice lights but I carry the Incendio more do to it being smaller. I also like being able to switch brightness settings without using two hands. And I like the more simple look without strike bezels and stuff.

The NDI is easier to switch on do to the longer length in hand and the switch operates easier. It also drives the LED harder at the highest setting but to me they both are bright enough. They both are efficient at the lower drive levels and is something I look for in a well designed circuit. I do not like circuits that generate heat (waste power) even when they are not running at higher current - I have had some Jetbeams that did this and they did not have good runtime (they were older versions though).

I like the look of the Incendio better. The glow switch and oring are great features that I like a lot and have worked great for locating the light in a pitch dark room at night. I am still amazed at how slim the Incendio is for a CR123 light. You would think it was a shorter AA light - cool.
Excellent info Regulator,just got my 120T today...but thats my weapon light(or whatever:devil:) Im looking forward to makeing the Incendio my edc.Hopefully it will fill my needs as well as it has others:thumbsup:.