quick question about airplane carry on luggage


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 15, 2001
When I fly, I bring very little carry-on and check my baggage but my nephew and girlfriend are flying for the first time and want to pack everything on their carry on. I'm assuming that the same rules apply for carry on luggage that applies for something you might have in your pocket such as no knives, only liquid containers containing two ounces, etc and whatever else restrictions they might have, is this true? Is there a good chance, they would stop and open up and inspect his carry on luggage?
There's a very good chance they will inspect his luggage, especially if something looks questionable in the X-ray. Carry-on luggage is treated the same as if you had it in your pocket. But if you adhere to all the TSA guidelines, then they probably won't have a problem. Also, there are some new rules about batteries that they might want to look up.

If they can fit everything into a carry-on, that's the way to go. You can avoid the hassles of checking-in at the counter then having to wait for your bags at baggage claim.
Thanks. I went to the TSA website where it is all spelled out. Not quite as restrictive as I thought it might be.

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