Quick Question for Zebralight owners


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
Hello Headlamps section! :wave I recently have been thinking about getting a headlamp which has led me to read and search and get overwhelmed by the 50million different ZL headlamp models out there. :laughing:

My main question is this: I did not like the LF2XT because of the delay with the electronic switch. Will the ZL line of headlamps/flashlights feel the same way to me? I'm used to standard clickies and really like the immediacy of the turn on and mode switching.

Secondarily: I have a few 18650s laying around not getting used and was thinking an H60W would give them a purpose and net me a nice headlamp too. I don't have a specific need for a headlamp other than general purpose, backup, maybe edc rotation (?). Any reason to stray from the H60? I have RCR's (reg and IMR) and some eneloop AAs as well. So I'd be game for another model if you had one to recommend.

Thanks for your help!

Changed quite a while back , virtually instant ON operation.

I have not seen anyone complaining about it in many moons .

We are waiting for LiteFlux to make more .....

Didn't mean to Hi-jak the thread ..... carry on with headlamp replies .


Changed quite a while back , virtually instant ON operation.

I have not seen anyone complaining about it in many moons .

We are waiting for LiteFlux to make more .....

Didn't mean to Hi-jak the thread ..... carry on with headlamp replies .


No worries. :thumbsup:
my recommendation is H501/H501w (don't know about the latest reflector-based H51, nor the new UI H501/H501w, haven't tested them). The electronic switch gives you constant on without delay but it does take some getting used to... e.g. short click to activate the light in high and press-hold to go on low... keep holding to cycle thru modes.

I really like the H501 for around the house use and H501w for outdoor. :twothumbs

Fyi, earlier H60/H60w model has some issue and I've seen a fair share of returns (possibly due to heat :sssh:).
Thanks Rookie! I did notice the H501/w had quite a following. One of my concerns was that the 2.7lm low might be too bright for reading at night.
One of my concerns was that the 2.7lm low might be too bright for reading at night.
ahh... perhaps the newer UI with lower low in the secondary modes (0.3/0.4lm) of H501/w may be what you are looking for... for me, the 2.7lm in H501w is perfect for reading at night especially the all flood neutral white beam. :)
The submode of low (0.3-.4 lumens) on the H501w lasts 21 days on sanyo 2700 nimh AA rechargeable batteries and prompted me to give away all of my other book lights. After trying this on, everything else (except my thrower) feels like a gimmick.
Sweet! Thanks Zendude. Now just to pick a model. :thinking:

I can't help you there, I only have the H50b(twisty) and H501. I'm sure some of the other Zebranuts will chime in soon.

With all the new models and improvements they have coming out, I'm tempted to jump back in the hunt myself.

As you know very well, the funnest part is doing the research and picking the perfect one(s) for your needs.;)
I can't help you there, I only have the H50b(twisty) and H501. I'm sure some of the other Zebranuts will chime in soon.

With all the new models and improvements they have coming out, I'm tempted to jump back in the hunt myself.

As you know very well the funnest part is doing the research and picking the perfect one(s) for your needs.;)

I definitely agree on the search being very fun and satisfying. And it's equally fun (for me anyway) to release a light onto the Marketplace that doesn't quite fit as good as I thought. I think I am starting to get sold on the new UI of the 501, but the bummer is I only see it available on Zebralights website so I can use the discount for Goinggear.com. :(
I have an H31 and an SC31, and there is a delay. The delay is part of the UI, as timing plays a part in the level switching. I really like the UI of the ZebraLights, but hated the (earlier) LiteFlux.
I have an H31 and an SC31, and there is a delay. The delay is part of the UI, as timing plays a part in the level switching. I really like the UI of the ZebraLights, but hated the (earlier) LiteFlux.

Funny you would chime in datiLED. I was just reading your glowing posts in the H31 thread. :) Even with the delay, I can see why you would like the UI. It seems really intuitive and allows you to access quite a few levels. I'll probably try one out and see for myself if I can deal with the delay. From what I just watched on Goinggear's youtube reviews it shouldn't be too bad.
So...I couldn't decide between pure flood and reflector so I placed an order for a H31w and a H501w. :grin2: Look forward to trying them out!
Thanks Rookie! I did notice the H501/w had quite a following. One of my concerns was that the 2.7lm low might be too bright for reading at night.

Like already mentioned the H501 now has a new(er) model that has a slightly updated UI with a low-low. I got mine from Illuminationgear and just asked for the new UI in the comments box. it seems you really like the low modes and I don't blame you because the H501 is awesome for that but be sure to order the 501 with the updated UI.
Like already mentioned the H501 now has a new(er) model that has a slightly updated UI with a low-low. I got mine from Illuminationgear and just asked for the new UI in the comments box. it seems you really like the low modes and I don't blame you because the H501 is awesome for that but be sure to order the 501 with the updated UI.

I checked with Goinggear and they said that they constantly refresh their ZL inventory so it should be the updated UI. We'll see. :popcorn:

If it isn't I suppose I will send it back.