Quickchange systems for mill


Apr 21, 2001
New York City
Ok, it's getting to the point where I HAVE to do SOMETHING.

As you guys know, I have a Burke Millright - not a bad mid sized mill, with an R-8 collet, but I need SOMETHING quick change

Unfortunately, the Mach-1 system WON'T work, as the spindle on the millright extends above the head when in the "up" position

Anyone have any experience with the other systems out there?
I'm very happy with my Kwik Switch 200 setup. They sell the R8 Master I know this because I thought about converting my Mach 1 System machine over to the Kwick Switch (If I keep it).

I'm thinking of doing what Eric is doing - a bunch of straight shank ER-32 (or should I go 40?) holders and collets etc - Possibly even modding them to be a Tormech style "index against the spindle" type system.

Yeah, it's NOT going to be a "run a big facemill" rigid system, but then again, I can drop the whole collet out, and run a pure R-8 for that

What do folks think of that idea?
I've seen that thread - sigh.

Of course the fun issue is - How DOES one do quick change reasobable on a Non Bridgeport R-8 mill

Yeah, they are NEVER going to be Cat40-50 machines - heck, they aren't NMTB30 (which my mill had available 'back when' - might try and keep my eyes open)

Thing is, what one person calls "light" milling, another person might call "Oh My G-d", so the comment about "keep it light" is SO non specific

I'm FAIRLY sure what I was doing yesterday falls in Forest Addy's 'light' category - facing off the ends of some 5/8 6061 sqare stock - big whopping cuts of 1/16" or so ;)

Thing is, then I have to
Center Drill, Drill, Counterbore 1 side, flip, countersink the other

for oh, 72 holes (6 holes/part, 12 identical parts)

You can probably see why I want to be able to quick change with that

The question them becomes - Let's say one other "common" job I do

Unknown alloy mild steel (I don't know exactly what they are using, but seems to be somthing like 1018 or the like)

1/4" end mill - mill a pocket .75x.75x.525 deep

Right now, I use an R-8 setup, plunge in near a corner, step, and repeat, then finish the pocket, with the final passes being full depth, but only gutting about .030 or so, always conventional milling
Tool changes are pretty fast if you use an ER-40 collet chuck in the R-8 taper. Changing out the collet chuck for a keyless drill chuck takes just a few seconds if you use a 3/8" air impact to loosen & tighten the drawbar nut - pretty much the redneck adaptation of a Bridgeport power drawbar. I haven't used a drawbar wrench in years :D
As I said, the drawbar setup in the Millrite is enough different to preclude a LOT of things

I decided to order a set of ER32s anyway, as I really DO need a set anyway, and ordered 3 holders, and we'll see how things go from there
I had a quick thought that may save a step. What size is the hole that you are center drilling, drilling and counter-boring? Is it of a size that you could get away with using a stub length split point drill and not center drilling it? That would be one less tool to change.

did that, but it's still a LOT of tool changes - you see that type of pattern so often - move the the right spot, center drill, drill, and then either countersink (usually do THAT 1st if I can, with the centerdrill), counterbore, tap, whatever. anyway - common to see 3 tools in the same spot