R2 bin worth the wait?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 31, 2007
It looks like the Cree Xlamp XR-E Q5s are becoming more prevalent in flashlights. Is it worth the wait for the R2 bin?
R2 bins are already out there, but there may not be a large enough quantity of them to make it into full scale production models. I have a R2 bin CREE on the way that I will try to mod one of my lights with.
i think i will pass... i will wait for R4 because its silly to upgrade for slight gains. An upgrade should feel like your getting more. More something, wether runtime, or lumens or less heat, it should feel like an upgrade that you can say "wow this is way better than my X" R2 i dont believe will do much for me.
The increase in Min Flux (lm) and Min Efficacy (LPW) looks like between a 6 to 7 percent bump from Q5 to R2. I'm no expert, but on paper this does not look very much.

Would we expect to see the difference in real world conditions?
I have a R2 bin CREE on the way that I will try to mod one of my lights with.

I am curious, which light will you try the R2 bin with? Would it be safe to assume it will be something less efficient or fewer lumens than a P4 or older? I am a novice with mods; what would the mod entail?
I'm going to put it in a Dereelight 3-stage digital module. I will have a Q5 WC 3-stage module to compare it to. It's more just for curiosity, rather than trying to get a lot more light. With the DBS and it's large reflector that focuses the light into a tight beam, a small gain in output will be more apparent than it would be with a light that has a more floody output. Meaning, on a LUX meter, I may see a gain of 2,000LUX, or more. However, if I go from 26,000LUX to 28,000LUX (about 6-7% gain), it probably would be hard to notice in real world use.

However, I can say "Yeah, the R2 is indeed a bit brighter."

Also I might try and get a Vf reading to see if the Vf is any lower than the Q5's were.
I'd say it depends on what the project is. For example, I have an EL K2 Stunner; 8 K2 emitters in a 3" head, with individual reflectors, driven by 4 D cells. I'm looking for someone to update it with newer emitters. I think it would behoove me to use the best/newest. Anything from P4 and up would be an improvement, but the best would be even more of an improvement. If nothing else, it would give the light a longer life until it needed another upgrade.
I was talking breifly with the Fenix-Store today and he commented on the fact that progressive technology in these lights (as it has been proceeding recently) often has to spring multiple leaps forward for the human eye to discern a marked difference from one product to the next 'latest and greatest'. (not his words exactly; yet I've heard many of you express the same thoughts).
This really helps (at least) me feel that I may have made at least a half-way decent decision on some of my not yet even produced recent purchases that hopefully will last us for quite some time.

Now if I could only stop obsessing about how I will ever afford to upgrade our Polaris Rzr enough to play with these boys...:broke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsMxt1kacSk
...then maybe we could get out there and have some fun someday...:)
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Interesting vid, but I'd much rather hear the engines than the music, and see the action rather than the pole-dancing bimbo.

Off road vehicles are a lot like flashlights. There's utility, and then there's excess. I'm in the process of selling a 4x Quigley E250 which has been my surf fishing truck for the past few years. I don't need its excesses any more, and am using a 1986 F250 diesel instead. I've pulled National Guard Hummers out of the sand with the van, but I could probably do it with the pickup just as easy. The biggest difference is the F250 gets 2-3 times the mileage of the van, and it's much more comfortable for an old man to drive.
I agree with your first two points and didn't intend to hijack the thread; just love to wheel and was making a comparison as to the upgrades on these lights and 'how much is to much' on these machines also.

The manufacturers have finally given us something right out of the crate that will satisfy your average enthusiast looking for a bit more and I think that a lot of flashlights have just about reached that point also.
R2 isn't worth the wait, but R4 is. By the rate Cree and Fenix moves, I'm expecting a Fenix R4 by mid summer of next year.
I have a P3D CE and I have a P3D with the Q5, and if there wasn't writing on the side of them, I bet you I wouldn't know which was which.
the r4 will be a significant difference from the q5,
just like the q5 is to the p4.

when asking if the r2 is worth upgrading to, it depends what from.
if you have a p4 or q2 light (alot of us do),
then it's worth upgrading.
if you have the q5 or like me l0d q4, then no the r2 will do nothing for you.
wait till there are three steps or so, and then time the upgrade to your personal preference from there. :candle:
Also I might try and get a Vf reading to see if the Vf is any lower than the Q5's were.

I would love to see the results.

IMO it really isnt worth upgrading Cree bin numbers, but it is worth upgrading bin letters.
P4 to Q5 definitely, Q2 to R2, probably. Q4 to R2, no not really, unless for some reason R2s have a markedly lower VF.
Do you think the R4 will be a major difference from the Q5 or will you need a light meter to tell?
I really do believe at ~1 amp, a R4 powered light will be visibly, noticeably brighter than a Q5 powered light. Considering Fenix's current P3D Q5, shooting out ~190 lumens, if it was a R4 in the reflector, it would put out at least 240, possibly more. A 25% increase will be visible.