Ra Clicky (by any other name)

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Mar 15, 2009
I see posters discussing their new Novatac 120s at the same time a dealer tells me that the newer and best models are sold under the Ra name.

I also see discussion about problems with tail switches and software and comments about how consumers have to pay the cost of returning lights that clearly weren't up to snuff when they were sent.

Can anyone explain what's happening with this company or companies, whether the products are ready for prime time, and, if so, where is the best place (or places) to order from?

I see posters discussing their new Novatac 120s at the same time a dealer tells me that the newer and best models are sold under the Ra name.

Just to clear this up, the original designer of the NovaTac EDC series is the same man as the proprietor of HDS (Ra Lights) (as well as the designer of the Ra products). These two companies are in no way one in the same, in fact they are no less than bitter rivals.

The occasional problem does crop up from time to time, but its more rare than it would seem as those who experience problems tend to be far more vocal than those who do not. Even with the occasional quirk, they are still the best of what's availible in single cell 1" form factor lights. The main issue is with international sales, where shipping is very slow and expensive not to mention some tyranical governments imposing an astronomically high import tax. If you live stateside or you can find a dealer in your native land, do not hesitate to order a Ra.
Hmmm......Along with all the accolades, a search for Ra and clicky turns up what seems like an awful lot of user complaints.

It almost seems like Ra fans love their light so much that they are willing to put up with a lot of issues.

That's commendable. But can you see how others, who just want a high-end torch that's worry-free, would, well.....worry?

Also, I'm still not clear on what's happening with Ra and Novatac, how their lights differ, if at all, and which are less troubleprone.

Hmmm......Along with all the accolades, a search for Ra and clicky turns up what seems like an awful lot of user complaints.

What threads are you reading?

From the threads I've read on the Ra clicky, the compliments out weigh

the complaints. Maybe I'm not seeing what you are. :thinking:
Hmmm......Along with all the accolades, a search for Ra and clicky turns up what seems like an awful lot of user complaints.

It almost seems like Ra fans love their light so much that they are willing to put up with a lot of issues. ..

I get the same impression. Luckily, most of the issues sound like quality control problems and not permanent design flaws.
I think the man who made Novatac then sold the company, and the name to the existing company, and then went on to start up RA lights, before novatac he had another company as well.
His lights all follow a similar shape.

The newer RA lights are the better product in terms of rubustness and lumens, whereas the Novatac lights are a bit cheaper, still very stong, and are slightly smaller (esp the normal models).
The Novatacs can suffer from a flicker problem (can not do-mine does not), when set to .08 lumens, but is is such a low number that you do not have to use that setting and still get another 20 odd options.

I think the RA is a better light and if i was buying a new one I would go for that, esp the 170 lumen clicky model, however the 120P is a wonderful light and I see no point in upgrading at the moment.

You should read the easter egg thread and then see if you can get an 85 model, which is cheaper and see if that will suit your needs if you "crack" it.
Also, I'm still not clear on what's happening with Ra and Novatac, how their lights differ, if at all, and which are less troubleprone.
Time, is the difference between Ra and Novatac. Please seek out your own historical references if you wish to understand more about these two companies. The LED forum isn't really the correct avenue for such investigations.

If you study ralights and novatac's websites you will immediately understand how the lights differ from one another, and how they are similar too. Combine that with the immense information that can be found here on CPF about Novatac when they released and the Ra Clicky as it evolved during various stages of initial release. You will find a lot of answers in the archived threads.

Whether any light can be considered 'worry free' is up to you as an individual and the situations you may encounter. Both Ra and Novatac designs are extremely functional in many situations. Both will take care of you if you have a problem, but you must understand and accept their rules and policies.

There are many satisfied customers of both companies and designs. There are also many customers who have had to send lights back for repair or replacement (I did). So far, there are only 135 Ra Clickies here on CPF. The initial release was badly hit with a firmware bug/flickering, hence where all the threads come from, but subsequent releases have largely solved all major issues. Tailcap anomalies with the Ra Clicky have been reported, and I've experienced them myself. I assume this issue is being dealt with on a light-by-light basis, since the electronics of the light have laregly been 100% functional.
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There are many satisfied customers of both companies and designs. There are also many customers who have had to send lights back for repair or replacement (I did).

My point exactly -- and at the heart of my questions.

I've been eagerly reading every post I can find on the Ras and Novatacs and the pattern seems clear: Despite many reported problems in the field, users still LOVE these lights.

It's enough to make a prospective owner salivate AND cautious. Hence my questions to you.

Your responses are most appreciated.
As further evidence of how strongly CPFers feel about the Ras, a poster on another thread asks whether he's crazy for ordering one of the new lights even though he's broke and says it will cost him an overdraft fee!
As further evidence of how strongly CPFers feel about the Ras, a poster on another thread asks whether he's crazy for ordering one of the new lights even though he's broke and says it will cost him an overdraft fee!

I am not sure where you are trying to go with this?!? So the user is a fanatic big deal...
I also own both a NovaTac and a Ra Light and I have to say that the Ra Light is a better build all around and thats what make the product a grate product. If I am a collector and have the money I would buy another Ra Light any time... As a matter of fact I was just a few hours late from getting a Rare 200 Lumen's just so I can add it to my collection but I was to late and they sold the last one. Typical collectors behavior.... Well thats a bit over exaggerating from the users parts but for each there own...
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Well, I tried to make my point above by posing my dilemma after researching earlier posts on this topic --

I've been eagerly reading every post I can find on the Ras and Novatacs and the pattern seems clear: Despite many reported problems in the field, users still LOVE these lights.

It's enough to make a prospective owner salivate AND cautious. Hence my questions to you.

Your responses are most appreciated.
Questions about the relationship and differences between HDS, Novatac and Ra crop up from time to time. They are legitimate matters of interest, but they do not really belong here - this forum is for discussions about the lights, not the companies that make them.

StandardBattery has given some useful historical information links, and Enzo Morocioli has made an informative post, so I think we can leave it there and I'll close this thread now.
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