Ray O Vac Extremem 4W runtime


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2007
I don't have fancy tools for measuring light output so I set up the ROV and my Malkoff Mag on my TV, turned them on, set my camera between them and had it take a snapshot every 10 mins for 10 hours.

The whole flash file is here if you want to see the whole thing.
Download ROVExtremeMalkoff.swf

But here are some pictures from the first shot, 1 hour, 3, hours, 5 hours, 7 hours and the 10th hour. ROV on the left Malkoff on the right.

In a nutshell the ROV starts off less bright than the Malkoff, not by much but definatley less bright. After 7 hours the Malkoff dims and the ROV stays bright! After 10 hours the ROV had still lost very little light compared to the Malkoff. Not bad for 25 bucks.

I noticed on the back of the package in small type it says this.

I don't know what kind of regulation this does or doesnt have but it's a good light either way. They are both still going like in the last photo and probably will for days. It's 16 hours after they started now and ROV is still brighter.

I think the advantage that the ROV has is the focusing lens that grabs all the light and keeps it all in the spot. Even now the Malkoff has brighter spill aroun the spot than the ROV.

But if your looking for a spot that's bright and cheap and easy to get the ROV Extreme is sweet.
Awesome pics! Believe it or not this is the light that I want the most right now! I never would have imagined that I would crave a Rayovac. LOL
looks like im only getting the P60 drop in instead of both (mag drop in and P60 drop in).

thank you!!!:twothumbs

maybe i should wait for the P60 drop in from a different maker at a reasonale price??

im gonna be lusting for this light.......ROV...come out come out where ever you are............mmmuuuuuahahahahaha:devil::devil:
Hmmmmmm.......... by golly.... that is excellent news LED4evr. Thanks for taking the time to do the test, record your results, and then post them here. I've been interested in this light since I first saw it, and it looks to be performing admirably. Good job!

It sounds like you are continuing with the test. I'd love to hear what the final runtime is to a still usable light level.
Does anyone know where the Ray-O-Vac 3C 4W can be purchased?

Where can I get one of these in the UK ???
Can't find one anywhere :shakehead :shakehead
I could ditch my 4D mag for this.
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If the Malkoff is putting out more light to start of course it will die faster than the Rayovac. You've also left out some info. What is the Malkoff in? A 2D? 3D? 4D? Also your exposures at the start of the contest are over exposing the hot spots so you really can't see how much difference there really is between the two light sources. You should also compare throw at 100 or 200 feet between the two, I think that's where the Malkoff should "shine". :)

That said, the Rayovac looks like an awesome light for the money and I will be sure to add a couple to my collection. :)
Either way these lights are putting out huge light for a really good time and that is a big advancement from just last year even.. I am just glad to see that a Cree light has entered the US market in large.. That is all around great news and just means bigger and better is sure to follow for the general public. And us Flashaholics as well ;)
Start checking the Sell forum here toward the end of next week.

I've got an inside line on all things Rayovac...

LOL, first the 1AA headlamp & now this. MorePower, I think you're going to be my source for all these rayovac lights. I've haven't got a walmart around me for miles... Thanks for passing on your local deals. I'll keep an eye out for your sale on the BST forum.
Does anyone know where the Ray-O-Vac 3C 4W can be purchased?

I got mine at my local Meijers.

What is the Malkoff in? A 2D? 3D? 4D

It's the 3D SSC P4 drop-in.

You should also compare throw at 100 or 200 feet between the two, I think that's where the Malkoff should "shine". :)

Definitely, I took them both out to my brothers and we went back in his fields to test them. The Malkoff is of course the brighter of the two, and not just the spot but the spill around the spot is so much brighter. It lights up everything around it even though you have the spot as tight as it gets.

The ROV only lights up a fraction of the area around the spot. The Malkoff is defiantly the top dog, but after 7 hours as my video showed it dims while the ROV keeps going. But until that point it's no contest. However the ROV is only 25 bucks and easily attainable!

I would like to see two things concerning this ROV Extreme. I'd like to see a reflector around the focusing lens because there's no way some light isn't leaking out the sides. And I'd like to see only a reflector, a long one in the light to see what that looks like. It's obvious it its bright with long battery life, I'd like to see what those mods can do.:popcorn:
I think a deep smooth reflector would help this light out greatly.. and maybe a borafloat lense or a UCL one..

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