Re-Blinged The "Bling Bling"

Re: Bling Bling

Very nice shiny collection Lux.

Is that second light from the left a FM light?
Re: Bling Bling

This could lead to a "bling-off" with some of the led guys with gold plated brass lights on the Peak sub-forum.:aaa:
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Re: Bling Bling

Now that is some serious gold! Sweet lights, Lux :twothumbs I'd be too afraid of damaging them in use, though. Do these get playtime outside of the house?
Re: Bling Bling

So shiny~ it seems to be luxury items, how about insurance for them?

btw... I will try this pic to charge to "rosegold" hehe.
Re: Bling Bling

All that glitters is too gold. Just got the middle 623. Now to outfit it with a Jimmy.
Sweet, Lux. Now I see why you bought all those regulators. You've got quite a stable of lights. If you have 8 gold plated lights, I don't want to know how many non-gold ones you have.
I'm building the multi-level instructional document this weekend, so you can pull all of those D1 modded switches apart and go to a 3 level UI. Just cause you have so much free time.:grin2:
Re: Bling Bling

WOW - those are amazing! Just think - if you had been a fan of James Bond villains rather than Superman ones, you could have chosen the name Goldblinger instead of LuxLuthor. :nana:
Re: Bling Bling

Lux, those are beautiful lights. I wouldn't normally be a bling fan but when it comes to collecting and building the worlds most "tricked out" incans, you're the man. Every time I see your lights it makes me want to get a gold plated one added to the collection.
Re: Bling Bling

Fabulous picture, LuxLuthor, and beautiful lights. What an incredible collection of gold plated custom lights you have! Congrats on your new Maxim 623, I love the looks of it.
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Re: Bling Bling

:drool:Wow! That IS impressive. Why is it I'm thinking when someone asks to borrow a light, those stay locked in the safe?
Re: Bling Bling

I took the new Maxim 623 apart. FiveMega is pretty darn clever with his bulb holder installation, but I think there is enough room to "Jimmy" it. I don't want to photograph his custom made parts, but it is pretty slick, and yet allows further customization.

I have had a chance to admire the function, shapes, and design. Aesthetically compared to all of his previous mods, I think this is his crowning achievement. It is really a special light, and with a "Jimmy," could be used for a wide variety of bulbs. It has a lot more flexibility than being locked into a 64623.
Re: Bling Bling

Re: Bling Bling

Oh my.

Now, unless you have made TWO gold-plated FM3X's, then I think LL might be opening his wallet again soon...:broke:

EDIT - reading the various sale threads, I can see it's actually a different M6-fitting head.

A work of art.
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Re: Bling Bling

Holy smoke FM!! I like how you only handle it with a microfiber cloth. That would be me as :)

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