Recommend a fixed blade for a navy guy.


Jun 28, 2004
Hi all knife nuts!

My brother is in the local navy and works on a ship. On a daily basis, he needs to cut thick ropes, as thick as 6 inches diameter and above. And working in a marine environment the ropes will be seawater soaked, and he definitely would be getting his hands wet.

His looking for a fully serrated fixed blade, with a good handle grip, so it won't slip from hands wet with saltwater. Plain edge or combo edge won't do.

Theres the issue of corrosion of course, but I guess he just have to rinse and dry the blade daily, I think they treat all their metal tools with Corrosion X Marine.

Need to be affordable. $100 or so, give or take. Preferably something from the common brands will be good too, so our local dealer can order it easily.

Any recommendations?

Thanx in advance.
H1 steel is very stain resistant. Probably the most stain resistant. I know Spyderco has some fully serrated folders (Salt model) but their only 3.5 inch or so. Maybe a small camping saw for the 6 inch ropes?
Thats why folders are out, because they are shorter and over sometime and heavy usage, might develops a 'play' in the blade. Fixed blade is safer and less problem cleaning too. :)

Those Spyderco hawkbills are nice, but for reasons mentioned...

Not really concerned about the saltwater thingy. Stainless steel will do. :)
Spyderco has some fixed blades in H1 steel in the works.How about the spyderco temperence?

Spyderco has some new H1 fixed blades on the way for 2007... Don't know when they're coming but hopefully they will come in serrated format.

If not for the fixed blade requirement, a Spyderco Military SE would probably fit the bill.
Thanx everyone!

The Myerchin seems to be the best! We will see if we can get our dealer to order it, otherwise I think the Spyderco Temperence looks good. But why isn't the Temperence is not on their catalog? Hmmm.

are you sure they will let him carry a fixed blade?
I know it sounds stupid, but in our navy, you cant carry a fixed blade...
I would recommend spyderco, too.
The Temperance has been discontinued for awhile, so it may not be easy to get. But most of those who own them feel that they are definitely worth the cost, from what I have read.
Oops, I was going to recommend the Gerber LMF II, but you said fully serrated...
When I was in the Navy, I was issued a Grohmann #3 boat knife. Good knife and it came with a marlin spike.
H1 is usually a favorite when dealing with saltwater...Stainless steel with eventually rust with salt water if not kept dry...Stainless steel is stain resistant but not rust proof...Even if the knife does not get wet the moisture in the air by the sea will be enough to rust it over time...
rycen said:
Spyderco has some fixed blades in H1 steel in the works.How about the spyderco temperence?

+1 to that one, another good source is cold steel, they have a very unique type of serration that works VERY well on line (navy speak for rope) However, i don't know if any of their fixed blade knives are fully serrated.
The USMC kabar is pretty nice, 1095 steel and duracoat cuts and able to take a bunch of abuse, i've been using mine for stabbing trees as a test and still in great shape. For the best sub $60 bux knife you won't feel sorry for using it. Forget about strider and their S30V they all cut the same when they are sharp.
I'm intrigued as to why you would need to cut 6" ropes on a daily basis.
I'm intrigued as to why you would need to cut 6" ropes on a daily basis.
It seems like you would want a specially designed device if you had to cut something that enormous on a regular basis. I'm thinking something like a seat belt or parachute cord cutter, but much bigger. Any standard blade that could easily cut a six inch thick rope could accidentally cut off a arm, leg, or head.