Recommend me a low output bipin


Apr 3, 2005
Kansas City
So I love my M6 and typically use the Fivemega holder with a WA1185. I have been mulling over the MN15 as an ultra long-running, low output bulb, but the price sucks, and why not make use of the bipin holder that I own? Can somebody recommend me a bipin bulb with similar characteristics to the MN15 that I can run on 3x17670?
The only ones that I can think of use the narrow pin format. I don't know if any exist that will fit the socket and provide approximately the same output as the MN15. I did a quick scan of WA bulbs and didn't see any that would work.
The CL 809 will work fine on 3x17670. The 1331 only pulls 2 amps and may be my favorite choice, but can insta-flash on freshly charged cells.

There are several 10w, 6v bipins out there that will work if you want to try 2 cells. I bought a couple of Philips 7387 from Nice and white on 2xli ion, with a large hotspot - so not quite the throw of an MN15, but it only costs $2.60. mdocod had another one that he recommended for his 2x18650 M6 carrier at one time.

I got some Hikari 6v 10 w bulbs and they run a sickly yellow on 2 cells. They work fine in a 12v reading lamp though, so maybe they would take 3x17670 :eek:.
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Maybe I'll give the CL 809 a shot. I would like a softstart switch eventually, but that's about $70 vs. spending $10 on a bulb.
For what it is worth, AWs switch not only allows you to select different output levels but more importantly has the soft start feature. This will dramatically extend the life of any lamp you choose. The same reason A2 lamps last so long.