Hi there,
There are so many books out there it's hare to say which are best, but
remember you can also ask questions here regarding the type of circuit
you want to build. Understanding circuits is all about understanding
circuit analysis...being able to look at a schematic and translate that
into mathematical equations that when solved yield the secrets of that
Also, since circuit analysis has progressed programs called 'simulators' have
begun to come about. These programs allow you to draw the circuit in
a window and then do a time analysis on it to see what output you get.
Best part is, there are free versions on the web. Linear Tech makes one
you can download and it's quite useful.
Dont forget to use your fav search engine too, as there are many circuit
examples on the web for many different kinds of devices including drivers.
Learning about the different parts that goes into a driver or other circuit
can sometimes be best if you download the data sheet for the particular
part you have in mind. You get this by going to the manufacturers web
site and doing a search for the part, then downloading the data sheet.
The data sheets usually come in pdf format, so you need Acrobat Reader
as a minimum, which is also free. There are going to be lots of specs
in many of these data sheets, so you might end up doing another search
to find out what a particular spec means.