Red Light


Newly Enlightened
Aug 7, 2009
Hello all,
My favorite simple red filtered flashlight that i use for night hiking has gone AWOL on me and i would like to replace it with one that has only red LEDs. I was thinking of either buying a simple LED light and replacing the white LEDs with red or maybe even trying to build one from scratch with a red LED 3 watt lamp in it. I have never built my own flashlight before so i am very new to this area. anyone have any suggestions?
If you want the red lumens cheap and easy, pick up one of these:

(it was the only link to it I could find in a quick Google search)

For some reason, I can only find the red-orange units in stock, but I can say from experience (I have one of the red ones in a 3D host) they are bright and nothing but red!
I am 99% sure you can. I'll double-check for you when I get home. But since the Diamond drop-in simply replaces the original incandescent bulb, I see absolutely no reason you couldn't use it like that.

I'll post back here once I verify for you!

EDIT: No problems what-so-ever without the head on. The module could care less whether the head is attached. Just don't drop/hit it by accident.
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