Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D *** beamshots added


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2003

The P7 led runs at 3A driven by two parallel wired DB1500 drivers.
To keep input current reasonable it is powered by 3x17670 cells in series (11.1V).

All I can say is that this light is pretty bright! :naughty:

Parts list:
· Tri-bored Mag1.5D
· UCL lens
· Stock reflector (camless)
· Seoul P7 CSXPI emitter (740-960 lumens at 2.8A)
· Blue glow ring around the emitter
· Modified O-sink
· 2x DB1500 wired in parallel (=> 3A)
· Runs on 3x17670 Li-ion cells (series)

Beamshots... distance to the pillar is 23m... ;)
Tri-LuxIII TW0J at 1A
Aspheric Cree Q5 at 1A
Quad-Cree Q4 at 1A
and finally... Seoul P7 at 3A

Enjoy. :)
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Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Nothing more to say than: Great work as always Freddy :thumbsup:...:twothumbs

Oh, I forgot, very clever solution with the parallel wired DB's to resolve the voltage-problem :bow:...:clap:...:goodjob:

Something more to say:grin2:

Interesting map underneath the light :twothumbs

Very best regards

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Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Beutiful job as always Icarus....

Will you be posting any beamshots?
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D


Not that i know much about flashlight specs but i can see a masterpiece from Freddy again ! :thumbsup::twothumbs :rock:

Will you name this one "Gurkha" ? :naughty: :whistle:

Best Regards

Cassian :)
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Freddy, are the DB1500 pushed pretty hard in this configuration? did you apply a heatsink to the DB's in anyway?
Thats an awesome build, looks good
best regards
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

If I'm not mistaken you're the first to post on completing
a regulated Seoul P7 Freddy, so well done. :thumbsup:

The light looks a beauty, but that's hardly a surprise coming from you. :)
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

I don't know about you guys, but me thinks this is going to be the next big maglite mod.

Icaras, I got to know, how tight a fit was the P7 for the maglites reflector? I imagine it has great throw with the maglites reflector, but how does it perform. Do you plan on posting beamshots?
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Good Job Freddy.

What do you think of the beam with the stock reflector? I was not happy with it personally even after a I sputtered it. Thats why I would up using medium stipple reflectors in the 2 I have built.

Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

How is the overall heat generated? How long does it take for the head to get hot?

I'm thinking of doing a 9AA-3D mag with the same driver configuration as yours, but I don't want to burn out the drivers due to heat.
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Good job, nice thinking on the 2 DB1500 drivers! How big is the heatsink? I would love to have that with a C size heatsink. Has anyone tried a 2.5 throwmaster reflector with the P7? Do you think it will throw better?

Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Beautiful work there as always Icarus.

The talk of lack luster reflector performance makes me wonder if one of the aspherical lenses recently found to work with large hotwire filaments might have a chance with a P7. :thinking: Jimjones3630 started a thread on it here.
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

Marvelous looking build. Well done!:thumbsup:
Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

The talk of lack luster reflector performance makes me wonder if one of the aspherical lenses recently found to work with large hotwire filaments might have a chance with a P7. :thinking:

Some time ago I experimented with aspherical lenses and old Luxeon V's, also 4 die ermitters, and the result wasn't nearly satisfying.
It was a projection of the single 4 dies and I guess with these SSC P7's or Ostar's it should be comparable.
These days the most adequate Led for a combination with an AL is a single die Cree.

Best regards

Re: Regulated Seoul P7 Mag1.5D

So the DB's do work ok in parallel? I wasn't sure on that. I have used 2 BB500's before in parallel to get 1amp to the LED to get around the max input current limit of the drivers when running the light off of 2.4v from 2 NiMH. :D