Reliable clicky for SF E series?


Mar 8, 2004
is there such things as reliable clicky for SF E series?

or maybe i should just stick to non-clicky SF E series tail cap?
My best clickies are SF e-series twisties with the guts removed and replaced with a McClickie.

Haven't had a single problem yet.

Never had a problem with either one of the SF E-series clickie tailcaps that I bought loosely when they were first released a few years back, but I understand some people have had issues.
The most reliable clicky is...................... a twisty :D

But beside that, the McClicky like schiesz mentioned is a good choice:thumbsup:

Best regards

I've probably had 8 or so z57 and z61 tailcaps (SF clickies) go through my hands, and i've had 3 go bad on me. No probems with the 6 or so McClickies i've had.
I have never had a problem with any of my E series clickies but I also pull them apart and lube the internals with NyoGel 760G.
The Z57 used to never have problems.
In the last year I have had 5 bad ones.

Surefire will replace them but half the time they will not respond to emails,
so you just keep emailing them until they respond.
I've modded all my Z57 and Z61's with the battery washer mod and White Lightning lube (don't need much) and they are all silky smooth. Have had troubles with some Z59's though. They just seem to suddenly fail, nothing
obviously broken on the inside. I think it's a grounding problem.
Surefire will replace them but half the time they will not respond to emails,
so you just keep emailing them until they respond.

I dont know why people insist on e-mailing them when you get much better support when you talk to someone on the phone. This is almost always true with any company.
I have had two E-series clickies, and both started acting up. After dismantling and reassembly neither acted up again.
I have had two E-series clickies, and both started acting up. After dismantling and reassembly neither acted up again.

Mine did the same thing, it was sometime harder to click, and was clicking without any sound, was getting stuck in momentary without the click, etc...
I opened it, lubed all the plastic parts of the click mecanism with some vegetal oil and no more sticking problem! :) I also e-mailed Surefire for a replacement clicky...
I have had to McClickys fail on me,so i dont think there is a perfect clicky yet.
But McGizmos is really one of the best out there.

I guess im just unlucky..

McClickies can be bought here:

E series compatible

Complete with housing:

McClickie Bare:
Just the Switch(McClicky)

Lighthound carries various McClickie switches aswell:
E series,C-series,SF U2,Fenix P1D etc
Some rumors about these fittting Pelican lights aswell but i can not confirm which.

I've been suing a McClicky in mine for the past year some odd...been great thus far.
What makes the McClickies so much better than the stock tailcaps? Do they do anything different or are they just a lot less prone to failing?

I've had my L4 for a month now and the tailcap seems fine to me... but if it ever fails would it be worth it to get a McClickie? I've been wondering where to get a 2-stage tailcap for it too.

I'll have my E2D soon as well... hope the tailcaps aren't as failure-prone as people seem to imply!
I recently had a C-Series Custom Tailcap from cpfer Ganp and it has a McClicky module in it and comparing it to the surefires (SW02/Z48) it had a much smoother positive action. Unfortunately these are sold by the Sandwich Shoppe and thus I stick with surefires. SO far so good but if it does fail, Surefire do entertain repair/replacement, only a matter of time....

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