Just had to share.... I do calibrations, repairs, maintenance on a variety of inspection equipment... I never thought this would happen, but I had to repair a UV flashlight for a customer. They've had the poor thing for about a month and it looks like it's been caving. They successuflly broke the switch, which is a recessed toggle switch near the head. I took the time to carefully take out the whole assembly from the tube, opened it to find out that's also where the regulator is hidden, asked our supplier for a part number for the switch and the boot. Just got the part today, only to find out they sell the complete assembly, which is a whole section of tube between the battery tube and the head. Just unscrew the old one off and screw the new one in... THAT was easy! and here I was, hoping to get to put my skills to work and reassemble the whole thing myself... sheesh! even the sales guys could have done this one!