Review my video! (video included)


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2008
Hi all,

I made this video as a guide to help anyone who is getting into the world of LED flashlights. I go over six different models and try to explain modes, brightness, runtime, etc. I also give a shoutout to this forum :)

Please let me know what you think and also give me feedback on what I could do differently. I am going to make a series of these with focus on individual lights as well.

Thanks a ton everybody!
You talk too slowly. It's the speed you'd talk at normally, but it's too slow for a video. See here for an example of how to do it so the watcher doesn't get bored. Other than that, nice :)
It's for beginners right? You mention regulated, but don't explain what it means.

How many SurFires are rated for diving? You imply they all are.

You use "turbo mode" and "high" interchangeably. Too confusing.

Hope that helps. Not bad for a first try. I look forward to the the next installment.
I thought it was quite good. As Aficionado pointed out, however, you might have explained what regulation is. Although a newbie can probably infer that regulation is good/wanted and non-regulated is bad/unwanted, they probably won't really understand the difference in brightness between regulated and non-regulated output on the E01.

Overall, I think your video is excellent. :thumbsup: I like how you start it off with ... I wonder if that contributes to the recent waves of new members :grin2:. Big kudos for you.

I think it's safe to say that many members, including myself, appreciate that you took the time to put this video together. Although the video is only 9+ minutes long, I'm sure you it took you a lot longer. With that said, here's my feedback:
  • I think your tone of voice, speed, and enunciation is pefect for the video. This video is targeted to non-flashaholics, so you don't want to speak too quickly.
  • The video is a little too long. I didn't have any problem watching from start to finish, but that's because I'm a flasaholic. I could see non-flashaholics losing interest after a few minutes. You could break it into segments instead.
  • You might have used a couple of flahlights terms here and there that many might not understand. It's one of those things that is difficult to catch ... I find myself doing the same thing.
  • For E01 and L0d, you forgot to mention that it runs quite well with LSD batteries such as Eneloops.
  • Might have been better if you had turned the lights off when you demonstrated the brightness of each light.
Anyway, that's all I could think of. Again, great job :thumbsup:
Very nice job! :)

Just two small suggestions:
- a quick explanation of the different battery sizes and chemistries would probably be nice (just a quick overview, like "this is CR123, this is AAA NiMH, this is AAA Li-Ion, DO NOT PUT Li-Ion where it shouldn't got etc.")
- a quick summary of basic clicky/twisty kinds would be a good idea

Again, nice work and an awesome idea!
I like it, I'm no "flashaholic" but I'm no beginer either. After seeing what the "Fenix" can do I think I'm going to look into one. I like that small AAA one, but the "flicker" in normal mode can be annoying in person. Anyways great job!!!
I like it, I'm no "flashaholic" but I'm no beginer either. After seeing what the "Fenix" can do I think I'm going to look into one. I like that small AAA one, but the "flicker" in normal mode can be annoying in person. Anyways great job!!!

I think it may be the video ... I have both the E01 and L0D and neither flickers.
Ayup. Looks like interference (caused by the video framerate or whatnot).
Very nice!!
Was this your first take? I don't see much editing or live cutting at all. Good job. I tried doing this, and always ended up with a 15++ minute babble-fest of mostly useless jargon:thumbsdow. I have the tape somewhere, but its not CPF worthy.

good job:twothumbs
Well, I'm completely satisfied with it and I think you did a good job. My comments are as follows.

Talking speed is fine for me 'cause I'm stupid and faster would have meant that I wouldn't get it. I agree that you should have explained regulated and non regulated. The only thing I wish you would have done is to do this close to the light switch so that when you turn the lights on, you could turn the ceiling light OFF to show people what the lights look like. Other than that, I think it was very cool.

One thing I really do have a problem with though and it seems to be an american thing because people don't do it as much in Europe and it's the constant "ehem" or however you would spell it. This is very prevalent here and even on TV by presidents, generals, so called intelligent people and so on. For some reason, not much of that at all in Europe. Very irritating (no offense),

One last thing, the video ends too abruptly.

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You talk too slowly. It's the speed you'd talk at normally, but it's too slow for a video. See here for an example of how to do it so the watcher doesn't get bored. Other than that, nice :)

Warning us of the "R" rated link might be nice in the future. :shakehead
You talk too slowly. It's the speed you'd talk at normally, but it's too slow for a video. See here for an example of how to do it so the watcher doesn't get bored. Other than that, nice :)

You do realise that the whole point of Zero Punctuation is the very fast delivery for comic effect, right? Not quite what you want in YouTube videos such as this. Good speaking takes practise, but I'd say johndoeslo's speed was fine.

Ayup. Looks like interference (caused by the video framerate or whatnot).

No, it's the PWM. The flicker is real only it's not nearly as bad in person as how a camera picks it up. Point an LOD at your digital camera on the lower modes and you can see blinking lines on the screen. Anyhoo, it's not the camera (or rather it is the camera picking up the PWM)

BTW, that video that Jarl linked to is hilarious!
No, i meant it's visible in the video due to interference (aliasing) between PWM frequency and video framerate (but not by naked eye).

Old pals Nyquist and Shannon and all that jazz...
I enjoyed the video, but i feel that it is a light review much more than it is an educational video to learn about LEDs. Unless that is what you intended. Not to say i didnt enjoy it. I believe there should be a video on the operation of every single light, no matter how simple. Just so people can get a better idea of what its like to have and operate it. Good luck with your other videos!
You do realise that the whole point of Zero Punctuation is the very fast delivery for comic effect, right? Not quite what you want in YouTube videos such as this. Good speaking takes practise, but I'd say johndoeslo's speed was fine.

I think he was just kidding ;)

I never gathered from his statements that he was just kidding.
I never gathered from his statements that he was just kidding.

I agree with you ... Jarl made no indication that he was joking. I think that's the difficulty of forums, IMs, and emails in general. You cannot gauge how the delivery of what's said, and oftentimes result in misunderstanding. I'll give Jarl the benefit of the benefits of doubt.