Ring of light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 29, 2007
New Zealand
Had this project rattling around in my head for a while now but I am finally putting it together.

Im really getting into my under water photography and like doing the macro shots but find the stock flash on my Canon G10 gets shadowed by the lens barrel of the Canon housing.
I thought about a external strobe and of course a DIY strobe but instead I decided on the ring of light.

It still needs a battery cannister and driver to finish it but I have tried it out on land and it seems to work well.
It has 8 Luxeon K2 LEDs that I had spare.
The aluminium plate is about 15mm thick and has 2 groves machined into it for O rings and another for the LEDs to sit in.

Cant wait to dive it!
Very good idea. Here are some suggestions:

1. Without reflector XR-E's perform better for video.
2. A small tube between the ring and the objective will help reducing backscatter.

The only reason I used K2's was because I have a ship load of them from my IST dive light mods.

I will do another using XR E's in the future. (When I sell this one to pay for it)

A tube may help with backscatter but I think it may also cause a few problems.

Anyway back scatter isnt a major concern as this is designed for macro work of 5cm-20 cm range.

I did contemplate giving the lens a rub with some very fine sand paper to act as a diffuser but I guess I will loose some light output. I will try it like this for now and see how it goes.
Nice Packhorse. I've been toying with doing something similar, but I was originally thinking of using just 5mm LED's. Maybe this is a good application for XP-E's?
Packhorse, Did you try it out yet? Waiting for some shots!

Not yet. I still need to build a cannister for the battery pack.
I picked up the PVC today but am away diving all weekend so will not be able to do anything until next week.

Well its almost ready to dive!!
I upgraded it slightly to 24 K2 LEDs.
8 at the top to give a localised light source and then another 16 at the bottom for a more all round light source. I can turn on either set of LEDs or both.

The LEDs are wired in seriesed pairs then the whole lot are direct driven off a 7.4v Li Ion pack.
Total consumption is about 50 watts.

Well 1st official dive today and I must say I am quite impressed.
Minimal back scatter, even flood. Shutter speed could be higher but its OK.
I'd buy that from you, if only it worked with the Ikelite G10 mousing. I use the G10, and I also need an underwater lighting system for it, however, I'd use it most on wrecks that were at or a bit below 40m, and I wouldn't trust that Canon housing below 30m.

Would that work with other housings? How much would you sell it for?
I havent seen an IKe G10 housing yet. Biggest concern is the diameter of the lens barrel.

I have had my housing down below 50 meters with no issue although I have scratched the front lens and replaced it with standard glass. I have pressure tested it below 50 meters in a pot but dont feel confident with it below 30m.

Cost would depend on a number of factors. eg type and number of LEDs, battery cannister set up etc.
This one was made on the cheap and probably cost me less than $300nz in parts ( I already had many spares eg LED). But It did take many many hours to build.
Packhorse, those are very nice pics! It is interesting how unwanted shadow has been eliminated by the even illumination.

You'll need to resize the pics to 800 x 800 pixels maximum, though - please see Rule 3.
Packhorse;2996291} This one was made on the cheap and probably cost me less than $300nz in parts ( I already had many spares eg LED). But It did take many many hours to build.[/QUOTE said:
While I would enjoy making one of these on my own, I don't have the time to design and build it. How much would you charge to custom make one for my Ikelite housing? Should I PM you to discuss this further?
Packhorse, those are very nice pics! It is interesting how unwanted shadow has been eliminated by the even illumination.

You'll need to resize the pics to 800 x 800 pixels maximum, though - please see Rule 3.

Ah yes, Sorry. Done

While I would enjoy making one of these on my own, I don't have the time to design and build it. How much would you charge to custom make one for my Ikelite housing? Should I PM you to discuss this further?

PM me.
PM me.
Your inbox is full :(

Anyway, I am about to buy a UW housing for a G10, but thought I'd make an offer to buy yours first, on the off chance that you were looking to upgrade, and also given that I want to buy your Ring of Light as well.

How much would you be willing to sell the housing and the ring of light together for?

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