Romisen RC N3 neutral white single mode


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
i got this a long time ago and haven't done a runtime test on it thus far as it's been a madhouse at work and when i get back all i want is to hit the sack.

Thing is, i have some time off coming and intend to do some night cycling/fishing i.e cycle to the fishing spot so i dont want to overload myself. The primary light for the bike is going to be Romisen RC N3 neutral white single mode and i havent seen any runtimes for this light.

Any other owners of this light out there can provide this info? I know that there is theoretically a way to calculate this by measuring currents, draw what have you but math is so not my strong point.
I don't do runtime tests with my lights, just calculations.

For the N3, it should last about 3 hours on 2 eneloops. On a single cr123a it will last a little bit less, about 2 hours.

so basically, one extra set of batteries, and your good to go for quite some time.
The original P4 version that I had pulled less Amps than my Neutral version from SB. So it ran longer.
Thanks for the replies, i guess to be safe i will be carrying 4x spare eneloops and of course, a backup light.