ROP question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 5, 2007
Hi all, a bit of a nooby question here. i recently ordered a couple of 3 x AA to 1D converters.

I intend to try to do an ROP mod on my 3D and it appears that most of the time the mods are meant for 2Ds.

So, my question is, can I just slip in 3 dead AA cells into one of the converters and use it as a dummy cell?

Alternatively, since (according to my rough calculations) 3xAA to 3Ds would be 10.5 volts could i use a 9V bulb and overpower it??
Never ever ever use discharged cells as dummy's. There is a good chance of damage to the discharged cells. The cells would likely leak or vent with that amount of current running through them.

If you want to use 9 cells then the first bulb that springs to mind is the 1185 bulb but you will either need to buy a ceramic socket and modify the swith or get a pr to bi-pin adaptor.

If you want to make a dummy cell the easiest way is to get some wooden dowl and cover in tin foil then insulate the body of the dummy with heatshrink or some form of tape. When you insulate make a good job of it because if you get a short you could kill some of your cells and your battery adaptors.

A good tip for making a Hotwire is not to go for cheap parts because they need to handle alot of current.
Thanks for the reply man. so i couldnt just drop in a 9V bulb without further mods?

Or, how about 2 3xAA to 1D and 1xD cell, which would make it about 8.5 volts, then i drop in a 7.2 volt bulb?? has that been done before??
3x AA to 1D converters likely aren't going to stack. Get a 9AA to 3D converter and go for a M@g85 if you're bent on using a 3D

Putting in cells of different capacities is also a no-no. So 6 AAs and 1 D isn't going to be a good idea.
well, maybe i will just try and let u guys know what happens (if i survive) haha. But seriously, i might just get a dummy D cell and do a 2D ROP. But honestly, thanks for the advice guys!
What WILL happen is at least one of the cells will leak and/or melt inside of your light if you mix cells.

Furthermore, are your 3xAA to D adapters the ones from Kai? If so, DON'T USE THEM!! They have very high resistance. Risks are:

1) Your ROP high will look identical to ROP low, because of the high resistance. Color will be yellow instead of bright white

2) The high resistance will melt everything into one big stick inside your Mag.

#1 is certain, #2 is HIGHLY likely.
thanks man, well, can anyone recommend better 3xAA to 1D?? Am really new at this but trying to learn from all u guys here. doesnt help that in singapore, it is nearly impossible to get parts
mdocod makes some 3^xAA adapters, and ships internationally. fivemega makes some really nice ones as well, but most of his are currently out of stock. litho123 was selling potted 1185's, but looks like he's out. I thought someones else had some had some available as well, but can't remember who. Probably easier to just get a bi-pin adapter from fivemega, and bi-pin bulbs from fivemega, litho123, or some other source/retailer.
thanks man, well, can anyone recommend better 3xAA to 1D?? Am really new at this but trying to learn from all u guys here. doesnt help that in singapore, it is nearly impossible to get parts
I think you should listen to PhantomPhoton, that resolves every one of your problems
What you really need is 6xAA to 2D for a ROP, not 3xAA to 1D. There are also a number of builds you can do with 9xAA to 3D
You want 6 x AA adapters , not 3 x AA.
Everything you are considering is bad practice and doomed to failure.
Failure will be either no light , or smoke , mess , melted parts etc.
Common choices are Fivemega 6 x AA adapter , mdocod 6 x AA adapter , or LuxLuthor 6 x AA Eneloop pack. As far as I know all three ship to Singapore.

They are successful , "non doomed to failure" options.

9 x AA is better match for a Mag 3D as mentioned. Use wA1185 bulb for a "Mag85".
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I haven't seen any mention of this so I think I will bring it up now:

Alkaline cells will not power up these high current lamps properly. You need to run good quality NIMH rechargeable cells for these types of modifications.

I almost always recommend eneloops for ROP and 1185 style mods, they handle these loads well, and are very reliable trouble free cells, which is good if you are new to the whole schene.

You also need to make sure you replace your lens and reflector with glass and aluminum (respectively), the stock plastic parts will melt under the heat.

thanks for the replies guys!! very much appreciated and will take all the good advice received here