Newly Enlightened
Hey all,
I've seen this question pop up before and I was curious myself:
What is the difference between using a FiveMega 6aa-2D adapter vs using more affordable, plastic 3AA-1D adapters like the ones that Kaidomain sells?
Forgive the beamshots, these are my first ones. In general, they look a bit brighter than they did to my eye. The color is pretty accurate though and you can notice the difference in brightness pretty easy. I used the exact same camera settings, white balance, etc. for all pictures.
The light is a 2D ROP HOLA, Boro lens, Kai MOP reflector, 6 fresh charged Eneloops. There are no resistance fixes done to this light. No Deoxit was used. It is the exact same host for both pictures. All I did was switch out the battery adapters.
The purple you see in the pictures is the camera; it was not visible to my eye.
Here is the ROP HOLA with the Kaidomain battery adapters:
Here is the ROP HOLA with the FM 6AA-2D adapter:
I was absolutely shocked when I turned on the light after I dropped the FM adapter in. The difference was VERY noticeable. Much whiter light and much brighter.
Now onto the ROP LOLA. Once again, exact same camera settings and host. Same light as above except now with a LO bulb.
ROP LOLA with Kai's adapters:
ROP LOLA with FM adapter:
As you can see, there is still a difference but not nearly as large. The light was noticeably whiter and brighter but nothing like with the HOLA bulb.
My conclusions? I have no problem using the Kai adapters for the ROP LOLA bulb. They work pretty well. I'm definitely going to do the resistance fixes and Deoxit everything though.
For the HOLA bulb, I don't see myself using the Kai adapters. Compare the ROP HOLA and LOLA shots with the Kai adapters, there is not a whole lot of difference between the two. You can tell that the HOLA is really suffering from the extra resistance. Maybe if I Deoxit and Progold all the contacts on the Kai adapters that would help a bit, maybe I'll try that later.
Anyway, hope you all find that interesting.
By the way, I'm not ragging on the Kai adapters at all. They are a great value for the money and I'm very glad he offers them. I've ordered quite a few from him and plan to use them for different projects.
I've seen this question pop up before and I was curious myself:
What is the difference between using a FiveMega 6aa-2D adapter vs using more affordable, plastic 3AA-1D adapters like the ones that Kaidomain sells?
Forgive the beamshots, these are my first ones. In general, they look a bit brighter than they did to my eye. The color is pretty accurate though and you can notice the difference in brightness pretty easy. I used the exact same camera settings, white balance, etc. for all pictures.
The light is a 2D ROP HOLA, Boro lens, Kai MOP reflector, 6 fresh charged Eneloops. There are no resistance fixes done to this light. No Deoxit was used. It is the exact same host for both pictures. All I did was switch out the battery adapters.
The purple you see in the pictures is the camera; it was not visible to my eye.
Here is the ROP HOLA with the Kaidomain battery adapters:
Here is the ROP HOLA with the FM 6AA-2D adapter:
I was absolutely shocked when I turned on the light after I dropped the FM adapter in. The difference was VERY noticeable. Much whiter light and much brighter.
Now onto the ROP LOLA. Once again, exact same camera settings and host. Same light as above except now with a LO bulb.
ROP LOLA with Kai's adapters:
ROP LOLA with FM adapter:
As you can see, there is still a difference but not nearly as large. The light was noticeably whiter and brighter but nothing like with the HOLA bulb.
My conclusions? I have no problem using the Kai adapters for the ROP LOLA bulb. They work pretty well. I'm definitely going to do the resistance fixes and Deoxit everything though.
For the HOLA bulb, I don't see myself using the Kai adapters. Compare the ROP HOLA and LOLA shots with the Kai adapters, there is not a whole lot of difference between the two. You can tell that the HOLA is really suffering from the extra resistance. Maybe if I Deoxit and Progold all the contacts on the Kai adapters that would help a bit, maybe I'll try that later.
Anyway, hope you all find that interesting.
By the way, I'm not ragging on the Kai adapters at all. They are a great value for the money and I'm very glad he offers them. I've ordered quite a few from him and plan to use them for different projects.
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