Sacredfire NF-007


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

For review is a Sacredfire NF-007 single mode Cree P4 flashlight , and what attracted me to this light is its simplicity and the number of batteries that can be used to power it .

I don't know of any other flashlight with such a varied voltage range , 0.9volts to 4.5volts , it will literally run on a AAA – AA – to a CR123A and anything in-between that falls within the voltage range and can physically fit inside the body .

I found the flashlight to be very well made , with O rings sealing every assembly , the threads are smooth and well machined , and the tail switch is very positive and solid in use . The lens and reflector are plastic , and this is quite acceptable for the price range which this light falls into . Overall there were no nasty surprises , the anodizing was well done with a nice even finish over the entire light , and one was left with the feeling that ones purchase was a wise one .

Testing the light in a dedicated light box , we will see how various batteries affect output
Rechargeable AA 1.2v = 1700Lux @ 0.46Amp current draw
Alkaline AAA 1.5v = 2000Lux @ 0.58Amp current draw
Alkaline AA 1.5 v = 2300Lux @ 0.6Amp current draw
CR123A 3v = 4700Lux @ 0.72Amp current draw
RCR123A 3.7v = 8700Lux @ 0.9Amps current draw .

RCR123A 3.7v

CR123A 3v

Rechargeable AA 1.2v 2000mAh

The performance with a RCR123A 3.7v is just fantastic , it throws just crazy ...
With a CR123A 3v the output is very nice , but not even close to what the rechargeable can do .
AA performance is nothing special , what could be special is the run time , possibly 4 hours or better ..

For a flashlight that accepts such varied batteries , I can only say , what took me so long to buy it ?
There was one bad thing , the wrist strap , to small , and after my friends daughter played with it for 10 minutes , it broke ..
Other than this one minor thing , its a great little light that will run on supermarket batteries , or on your collection of CR/RCR123A's ...

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Maybe I've just missed it before, but that's the first I've heard of this make. Terrible name, but it actually looks quite a useful light - the style and finish rather reminds me of Wolf Eyes.
Great. Just what we need, another 007 designation for a flashlight. Maybe every producer should have an 007.
Hmmm... I got one of these quite some time ago, and the switch is extremely flaky, like it's not soldered properly (sounds like they've improved that process, fortunately!), but a nifty little light when it felt like working.

So naturally, it's sitting around somewhere; still haven't got around to dismantling the tailcap and resoldering the switch. Thanks for reminding me of it. :D

BTW, there's quite a few other lights around with the same voltage range, typically as AA/14500 or AAA/10440 lights. But this is one of very few that has the wide body to accept CR123s, too, and as a pleasant side-effect, it may be easily adapted to run off 17500s as well; just knock out the plastic ring in the front of the tube. This does make loading AAAs just a bit touchier, but to me the extra life of the 17500s made it worth it.

What is the ID of the battery tube? Thanks.
Don't have a measurement, but it will accept the protected 17500s I have, and will not accept even unprotected 18650s. There's a ring in the front (as mentioned above) that's smaller, to center the AA and smaller batteries; if you remove that, the same >17mm diameter continues the whole way through.
I modded some 1x18650 sacredfire lights for bigchellis to 1.4A. Very serviceable mod hosts, although neither of his had the thread machining quality of your light and one had a flaky switch. Post mod, each emitted a little over 200-L OTF on Garys sphere. Now days, if all you want is bright light you really don't need to spend a lot of $$$ if you are handy with a soldering iron.
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Is the front lens replaceable? How about the seal on the front? Im looking for something that can be easily waterproofed and am not a fan of the plastic lens as they scratch easily.
Is the front lens replaceable? How about the seal on the front? Im looking for something that can be easily waterproofed and am not a fan of the plastic lens as they scratch easily.

Yes , replaceable ! Has O ring to seal it .

Water proof ? = Its no dive light , but I wouldn't be afraid of taking it out in the rain ...
I agree, this light is a great value for the money. If you want to make it even better, I discovered that UCL 22.61 x 1.85 mm AR coated lens from Flashlightlenses is perfect replacement instead of original plastic one. Also, 24 mm GITD o-ring from DX (sku 3458) is nice touch to general impression :)


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