Safe ROP runtime


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
Bozeman, Montana
Can someone tell me how long I can safely continuosly run my new ROP HI bulb 2D mag with Lux's 7.2V Eneloop setup? I just played with it for a few minutes and noted a "foggy" buildup on the inside lens and part of the reflector. I about sharted myself thinking that I had just ruined my new FM LOP reflector, when it stared to clear up and return to normal. The Orings on the light were prettty well lubed up I noted. Could this have anything to do with the above or did I run the light too long?

Thanks in advance from a Newbie,
Should be able to run quite awhile, the fogging is common with some bulbs, especially potted bulbs. Some people put their potted bulb in the oven ~200 (i think?) for awhile to bake off anything remaining from the potting process.

Or you can run the bulb in the mag for a few minutes without the head of the flashlight in place (candle mode) but be aware that it's a high pressure bulb, without the protection of the head an explosion could cause eye damage or embedded glass injury.

The major limitation on runtime limits for suped up mags comes from the plastic switch assembly. It can start to melt with some of the higher powered lamps. I've found that it starts to smell like melting plastic with the ROP high after about 5 minutes on, but I haven't actually seen it deform, *knock on wood*
The fogging you experienced is (I believe) moisture that has evaporated and is trying to escape. To solve this problem, I spray compressed air into the bottom of the reflector when the window is attached, then quickly screw the head back on to keep as much as possible inside. Compressed air is moisture free, so it should not fog up your window when heated.
Like everyone said the fogging issue is the bulb, run it for a bit (15 min?) without the lense and it should be done.

I've ran my 4D (6 X subC) ROP high for an hour more than once. I've run other ROP high 2 1/3D (2s2p 18650) for an hour as well. No issues with either one-well except the one time when the bulb unpotted itself after the hour of use, the battery would have went out shortly after though.
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