Save packaging in case of later sale?


Feb 2, 2006
For some reason I keep all the packaging that came with most of my lights. It's now getting to the point where I want to throw away all but the instruction paperwork. I rarely if ever sell a used item, prefering to "regift" the light to my wife or other family members.

How many save the original packaging and paperwork for their lights?

If buying a used light, how many would pass up an item which came by itself and lacked the factory box, etc?

The original packaging does increase the value, or at least the perceived value of most items. If their is no possibility you will resell a light you can toss the box.

Recently I have sold a few lights and parts that I never I anticipated selling. I had the boxes. I now have a huge Rubbermaid storage bin full of flashlight boxes and other original packaging.

Antique and classic toys or gadgets can be worth double triple or more with the box. Just the way things are today.

If buying a used light, how many would pass up an item which came by itself and lacked the factory box, etc?

Not limited to lights, but gadgets in general, I have a bad habit of doing the same thing, but I can't say I would ever pay extra for a used anything just because it included the packaging.

What's more important to me is what kind of shape it's in, relative to what my intended use is. There are times I'll buy something that's relatively trashed, if the use I have in mind for it is going to mess it up, anyway. I've been trying to get better about tossing the packaging.

Of course, in some cases, the packaging is valuable all by itself. Try a search on ebay for Nikon boxes sometime.
Toss everything and be done with it.

Unless it's a *true* collector's item or über special light, the box gets tossed.
I only keep the packaging for some of my nicer knives. Mainly because its easier to stack the thin boxes in my drawer though. I dont have a large enough collection to have a dedicated box with drawers and nifty storage places, but I dont want to just throw my things in a junk drawer either.

As far as flashlights..I just bought my first decent one (jetbeam CL-E) and the packaging is of course gone. I did keep the baggy with instructions, o rings, lanyard though.
I always keep boxes, not sure why..
If I am buying something used and the original owner says they have the box/paperwork it sorta gives the impression that the item was appreciated to them.
I'll keep it for awhile until I'm sure everything works right or until I run out of space for all the stuff. My packrat nature makes it tough to throw things out. Of course, instructions do get saved.

Depends. I keep Surefire boxes and stuff like that. I have the cards for all my ARCaaa's but the Fenix, etc get tossed.

Quality guns are worth considerably more with original boxes and documents. That's where I picked up the habit.
I started doing that a few years ago for my amateur radios, scanners, and high end flashlights. If you have the room, keep the packaging.
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Boxes/packaging are worth money, at least to me. I have sold several virtually identical items, (flashlights, knives, etc.), and in all cases, the ones with a box and or packaging sell for more money. Sometimes not much more, but always more. Being able to state " As New In The Box " or " Used With Box " seems to add some what more weight to the item. I truly believe that some buyers, not all, if given the option, will pay a little more for an item, if the box and or original packaging is included.

Best Regards:
Toss out all boxes and packaging immediately, or you'll keep thinking about resale value and you'll be less likely to use and enjoy the light.
I say keep it if it is manageable. It makes your collection as a whole more valuable to have the original packaging. Doesn't anyone watch antiques roadshow?
True collectors doesn't actually open the packaging. The packaging is left as is and then glad wrap all over to prevent dust and ensure mint condition.
The packaging usually gets tossed before the batteries are even in the light. On the very rare occasion it does not work I can dig it out of the trash otherwise it is simply clutter which I dont need.
I keep it until i know im gonna have the light forever. I still have my P2D box incase when i get my 120P the fenix doesn't get used anymore.
I used to toss the packaging, then realised I personally prefer to buy s/h with packaging, shows more careful appreciation by previous owner in my eyes.

So, now I keep all, especially torch and other small items.

For one thing, the prospective purchaser may be buying a second one of a treasured torch, to give as a gift.

All packaging I keep for a year, or until warranty runs out.

I'm fortunate to have the space on top floor.

I'm sure anyone here who has bought from me appreciates the inclusion of original packaging wherever possible.
Sometimes I keep the packaging if it's unique, such as the boxes used for the Longbow and Eternalight series. Otherwise, it goes into the trash.
I think having a box to sell with an item, be it a flashlight, gadget, or whatever, does increase the selling price of the item. I think it shows a lot of buyers that if the seller was careful and thoughtful enough to keep such a minor thing as the box that the item came in, there is probably a pretty good chance that the item was better cared for and is more like described. Just my $0.0299 though.
I'm a bit of a packrat also, and tend to keep all the packaging and instructions.

I have 2 large plastic storage bins with flashlight stuff.

And thats after opening the packaging very carefully with a razor knife. :eek: