SC 600 mk II or ET G25C2 based on these requirements


Newly Enlightened
Apr 14, 2014
ok, first post here we go.
I am a chef and I need a light for two prime scenarios. One is to find something in the walk-in, which is like your refrigerator, except in a restaurant it is the size of a bedroom and usually has one 60 watt incandescent bulb whick makes searching all the shelves and out of the way places very difficult. Finding the odd onion or carrot that has rolled under a shelf or a 2 week old tomato can be unpleasant. So something that has a low mode and is floody would work. The other scenario is I also need it to have some throw so that I can see to the trash/dumpster area (less than 100 meters) to make sure the dishwashers aren't hiding shrimp, or sneaking off drinking a pilfered beer, or just goofing off when they are supposed to be working.

I do NOT need a huge thrower, I will carry the light in a holster on my "bat belt" (buck knife, leatherman wave, flashlight) . Interesting aside... everyone laughs at the bat belt...until the power goes out, or they need a screwdriver or a long nose plier, or cut open a box), anyway UI is not yet specified since I could get used to series of clicks or turning the head. I currently use a mini mag light with a led so I don't have previous experience with clicky tail cap switches or head control rings, so I could get used to either one. I know the eagletac is more of a thrower but i thought the diffuser would work nicely, i also like the different battery options of the g25. Or is it silly to get a thrower for close up broad beam work and constrain it to work as a flood. Will the z-l put out enough reach to find the guys hiding by the dumpster? I would select cool white, not to concerned with all the tint issue. I ride my bike to and from work late at night so throw is important but it doesn't have to be the primary use.

I think the SC600 is enough for what you need to do.
In addition SC600 is very compact
It is also cheaper than G25 + accessories
Properly evaluate the choice of color, neutral color can be an advantage to see food

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I've got the original SC-600 CW and it's a great flood light and will illuminate an entire large bedroom, so that fits the bill for you.

Now, unless they've updated the Mk II to run on two CR123s, you're stuck with li-ion 18650s, which isn't a problem for me because I'm a battery geek, but that's one of the SC-600's fatal's confined to one battery type, where most 2xCR123 lights can run on a 18650, as well.

It also lights up a decent area, so the dumpster divers won't be able to hind, unless the dumpster is at the opposite goal post.

I only have an ET D25C Ti clicky, so I'm not familiar with the G25C2, but my ET is a nifty little pocket light with an interesting and capable UI, once you figure it out, but you'll have that same issue with the ZL's UI, which is quite nice.

For flooding a room, the ZLs are tough to beat, sea foam green tint and all, lol.

Current status: after much deliberation, including a very close look at selfbuilts reviews, and based on what i am seeing in response here, it seems the sc-6oo is the way to go for what i need it to do. I guess I kind of knew that but was tempted by the throw capability of the E-T, the flip top diffuser , and battery versatility. But after consideration, my operational requirements are to light up a room with one hand and provide a wall of light , not a tight beam that would almost literally spear a roque onion rolling around. Plus i think the z-l will have enough throw for what i need. In true cpf style, maybe the E-T down the road. (Can't chose, no problem just by both ...LOL)
Speaking of buying, the blasted thing appears to be on back order - any suggestions? And now for another tricky question, what kind of batteries? Protected i think, from a good reputable company - redilast? 3400mah? and 69mm max.
I already had a SC600wII L2 but purchased the G25C2 NW as a "thrower". While it was a great light, it really didn't impress me much over the SC600 so I returned it. No real need for it at all. It also had a horrible tint so that helped me make up my mind to return it.

Also, the UI looked great in reviews but I didn't really like the amount of turning necessary on the head.
Re: batteries, the SC600 is OK to use with unprotected. If you prefer protected, look for short ones for that small light. Eagletac and AW are among the shortest. Both fit quite well.
I contacted Zebralight about stock of all their models and they say if you place the order on their website, it is a 2-3 week lead time. I would use Zebralight batteries, a bit more money but will definately fit. I have Eagletac 3100 mah and they fit in my H600 and S6330, but I don't have a sc600 to test. I did have the SC62d and the eagletac fit in there as well, but it was a tighter fit than the 3100 mah Zebralight batteries I have.

Current status: after much deliberation, including a very close look at selfbuilts reviews, and based on what i am seeing in response here, it seems the sc-6oo is the way to go for what i need it to do. I guess I kind of knew that but was tempted by the throw capability of the E-T, the flip top diffuser , and battery versatility. But after consideration, my operational requirements are to light up a room with one hand and provide a wall of light , not a tight beam that would almost literally spear a roque onion rolling around. Plus i think the z-l will have enough throw for what i need. In true cpf style, maybe the E-T down the road. (Can't chose, no problem just by both ...LOL)
Speaking of buying, the blasted thing appears to be on back order - any suggestions? And now for another tricky question, what kind of batteries? Protected i think, from a good reputable company - redilast? 3400mah? and 69mm max.
Thank you everyone for the great responses on the flashlight. Now on to a charger. will any basic charger work? Are there any major issues to consider or can i just buy one without the dreaded analysis -paralysis that has resulted in two weeks of flashlight research. LOL. I guess I'll but two batteries, on for the light, one for the charger to keep for back up. As long as i get a less than 69 mm 3400mAh protected battery from eith Z-L of a mane brand (eagletac, redliast) i should be ok.
Thank you everyone for the great responses on the flashlight. Now on to a charger. will any basic charger work? Are there any major issues to consider or can i just buy one without the dreaded analysis -paralysis that has resulted in two weeks of flashlight research. LOL. I guess I'll but two batteries, on for the light, one for the charger to keep for back up. As long as i get a less than 69 mm 3400mAh protected battery from eith Z-L of a mane brand (eagletac, redliast) i should be ok.

My opinion? Get the Xtar VP2 and don't look back. It's a charger that can charge up the three major chemistries: Li-Co, Li-Mn and LiFePO4 and three different voltages: 3.2v, 3.6v and 3.8v (4.35v,) as well as having a built in voltmeter. It can also charge USB devices from a fully charged cell and it has charging rates of 250mA, 500mA and 1A, which are good for the little cells (10440/AAA, 16340/CR123,) if you ever run them, up to the bigger 18650 and 26650 cells.

EagleTac 3400s are known to be the shortest of the protected 18650 cells.

I don't really bother with protected cells in my lights, but I'm prone to checking things often, so I don't run them down all that much.

With the batteries and light and now the charger, expense for this is creeping upward. Do you have a reccomendation for a single cell charger?
With the batteries and light and now the charger, expense for this is creeping upward. Do you have a reccomendation for a single cell charger?

If the VP2/VP1 ($50/$40) is too much, look to the ~$21 (shipped) Xtar WP2 II. I've used that one to good effect for over two years. It's a nice two bay charger that still can charge some USB devices and will even charge cells from the 16340, on up.

I bought a single bay Xtar MP1S for $10 bucks, but it doesn't charge up past 4.04v, so I paid a bit more and got the NiteCore i4 v.2 4 bay multi-chem charger on exchange, keeping the MP1S. It does NiMH batteries, like Eneloops and Li-Ion cells.

You can find them for $17-$18 shipped, so that might be the way to go. Mine isn't 'overcharging' anything, which has been a slight knock on the unit in the past.

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If the VP2/VP1 ($50/$40) is too much, look to the ~$21 (shipped) Xtar WP2 II. I've used that one to good effect for over two years. It's a nice two bay charger that still can charge some USB devices and will even charge cells from the 16340, on up.

That's what I was going to say. It's currently my only Li-Ion charger. Great charger with no issues after about one year now.
For a single bay charger, i would recommend the Xtar SP1 charger. You may check their website for its specs.

But if you intend to have more lights, I would suggest you get a two bay charger which Xtar also has. Their latest 2014 model for a two-bay charger is the VP2. But the also have the VP1, which was released last year. Again, you may check their website for its specifications. Coz once you have a flashlight, you will never be contented with one only. . .
I think I see the future and it is more than one flashlight. So an independent 2 bay charger with usb capability that will also handle cr 123's and AA size seems to be advised. We have a Nintendo WII so if it could handle rechargeable aa size batteries that would be a plus. Will the x tars charge non lithium ion batteries?
Thank you everyone for all the help.
Illumination supply has the sc600 mk II in stock but comes with a warning about discolourations on the tail cap anodizing. Has the action of the switch changed too / softer? anybody recently purchased a sc600 mk II? I am soooo close to finally getting this all together and now they throw in a red herring although in the dark would you even see the disclourations (but you would know they are there -other ocd types know what i am talking about, ARGH. LOL
is a 10440 and a 145oo an aaa and aa respectively?

Yes. However, the 10440s, with a typical capacity of 300mAh, need a charging rate in the 250mA range and many chargers do 500mA, or 1A, or somewhere in between. They shouldn't be charged at 500mA.

14500s have a capacity of 700mAh up to 840mAh, so a 500mA charging rate is acceptable. 16340 (CR123A size) are kind of in between the two. A 500mA rate is safe, but a little on the high side and you'll probably get fewer cycles out of that cell, if you're constantly charging it up at 500mA.

However, they're $4-$7, so it's not like you're replacing a car transmission.

I think I see the future and it is more than one flashlight. So an independent 2 bay charger with usb capability that will also handle cr 123's and AA size seems to be advised. We have a Nintendo WII so if it could handle rechargeable aa size batteries that would be a plus. Will the x tars charge non lithium ion batteries?
Thank you everyone for all the help.
Illumination supply has the sc600 mk II in stock but comes with a warning about discolourations on the tail cap anodizing. Has the action of the switch changed too / softer? anybody recently purchased a sc600 mk II? I am soooo close to finally getting this all together and now they throw in a red herring although in the dark would you even see the disclourations (but you would know they are there -other ocd types know what i am talking about, ARGH. LOL

On the chargers that I mentioned, please check the link below for the reviews of SP1 & VP2 respectively:

Also, please note that CR123A batteries are not rechargeable. Instead, the RCR123 are the one's that are rechargeable. You may check you WII if it does take a rechargeable batteries. HTH
Btw, I can't tell if the switch of the SC600 has change. I just received my unit and I love it. Specially the UI.

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