Scorpion R500 - battery pack removeable? Charge time?

Turbo DV8

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 5, 2006
Silicon Valley
I can't seem to get mine out. I tried tapping the light, base-down, but the pack won't budge. I don't want to force it. I recall reading somewhere that perhaps it is not removeable? That would be the height of stupidity. Pretty expensive light to be considered "disposable!"

Also, how long should it take to charge the battery pack? I charged a new Scorpion, which presumably had some good charge in the pack since it is Li-Ion, and the charger did not switch to green even after 1 1/2 hours. I unplugged it after that. I assume there are two 3.6 volt cells, based upon the charger's 8.4 volt, 1.1 amp rate. Am I to assume that this series Li-ion pack is vulnerable to the dangers of over-discharging? If so, since the light dims steadily, how would I know when it is time to put the pack back on the charger?

I haven't had an incan since my old SL-20, and it had a NiCd pack, so I am a little rusty on incans and Li-ion!
It should not hurt to leave it on the charger longer. Somewhere around here is info on removing the battery pack. I'll see if I can remember how I took mine out. I had 2 x 18650's I wanted to try in it and had shrink wrapped a bolt/nut for a spacer as the battery pack in there is just a little longer than two batteries 'cause of the charger port. Can't seem to pull this info out of my own memory this morning but I think both the head and tail need to be removed and just some careful manipulating and pushing or pulling is needed to get it out. I don't think this is the thread I was looking for but the CPF Google search finds lots of hits - try this one first though:
If you unscrew the head you will find a aluminum part (not anodysed) that needs to be removed from the battery tube. After that you can pull out the batterypack. At least this is what I have to do to get it out. There are afaik different versions available.

Eric242 said:
If you unscrew the head you will find a aluminum part (not anodysed) that needs to be removed from the battery tube. After that you can pull out the batterypack. At least this is what I have to do to get it out. There are afaik different versions available.


After removing the head, I saw a thin, round metal disc at the top of the body, but it appears to have a tiny rivet holding it in place. In any case, in this area, won't I run into the charger jack before I can get to the battery pack? Thanks for the replies. Any other Scorpion owners out there?
Have you searched the messages here - I'm fairly sure someone had some pictures showing how to remove it. It is snug even when things are disassembled for removal.
If your Scorpion is built like mine you need to unscrew the head and than it should look like this:


Then you need to remove the small metal disc by unscrewing it. After that you can remove the battery. If it does not come out easy you´ll have to unscrew the tailcap and push it out from the tailcaps end. You won´t interfere with the charger jack since it belongs to the battery itself.


But as I already said, yours might be built a little different.

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I tested to drain the battery pack to low voltage on my Scorpion 500. The battery pack seems to be protected since it totally shut off when I left it on. Now I have forgotten what the runtime was....
Thanks, Eric242, that is what my light looks like inside. I now realize the charging jack is part of the assembled pack. Thanks for the pictures and info. In the future I will know how to get the pack out if need be.

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